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Work,Load, and Credit

The minimum workload of Undergraduate Program at ITB is 144 credit units which correspond to 5760 hours, or 200 ECTS, and are generally distributed in 8 regular semesters. On average, the total hour per year is 1440 hours. The normal workload for each regular semester is limited to 800 hours, corresponds to 20 credit unit (27.8 ECTS). The normal workload for each short semester is limited to 400 hours, corresponds to 10 credit unit (13.9 ECTS). Thus, the normal workload per week for each regular or short semester is around 40 hours.

However, ITB encourages its students with outstanding achievements to systematically accelerate their study:

  1. The acceleration of study for students with outstanding achievements can be done with the approval of their academic advisor and the Chair of the Study Program, by taking workload more than the normal limit allowed for each semester.
  2. The regulations of the maximum workloads allowed for the undergraduate program students with outstanding achievements are as follows:
    1. Students having the average score (Nilai Rata-rata or NR) of ? 2.75 (from the maximum score of 4.00) in the previous semester (or two previous consecutive semesters, in the case some of the results in the last semester have not been announced yet), can take the workload to a maximum of 22 credit unit (30.6 ECTS) in a regular semester.
    2. Students having the average score (NR) of ? 3.75 (from the maximum score of 4.00) in the previous semester (or two previous consecutive semesters, in case some of the results in the last semester have not been announced yet), can take workload to a maximum of 24 credit unit (33.3 ECTS) in a regular semester.