UPURP owns a computing laboratory known as Laboratory for Spatial Computing and Analysis (LabSCAN). It has the capacity of 40 people located on the 5th floor of Sugijanto Soegijoko Building. Students use it for classes which require practicum with software as tools, such as statistics, planning methods, and geographical information system. We utilize licensed softwares mostly provided by the Directorate of Technology and Information System (DITSTI) ITB. UPURP continues to improve the availability of as well as to ensure the technology of software and hardware up to date.
In addition to practicum activities, LabSCAN gradually accommodates online teaching activities, including in conducting mid- and final-term exams for students. When the lab is not used for practicum course, the computers can be used by all students to do their individual or group assignments. The students can also access network printers in the lab.