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Research Visit from Universität Wien

Research Visit from Universität Wien

Research Visit from Universität Wien

urban1School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD), Bandung Institute of Technology, on Monday, July 8, 2019 received a research visit from Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien. Opening is held in the Meeting Room, 2nd floor of Sugijanto Soegijoko Building, Ganesha Road 10 Bandung, starting at 08.00 by the Dean of SAPPK, Chair of the Masters and Doctoral Program in Regional and City Planning, and Secretary of the Institute for Research and Community Service in the Continuing Education Sector.

A presentation was made by Wilmar Salim, ST., M.Reg.Dev., Ph.D regarding “Decentralization, Proliferation, and Urbanization in Indonesia”. The presentation was also given by Eko Priastono, ST., MPPM as Secretary of the Regional Planning and Development Agency of West Java Province who gave a presentation related to industrial development in the Rebana Triangle Region which is projected to become the center of new economic growth in West Java Province. During this research visit, the visiting participants from Universität Wien were also given the opportunity to discuss, not only related to urbanization and industrialization in West Java Province, but also Indonesia’s development challenges in implementing adaptive and sustainable development policies in the future.

urban3This visit was continued with introduction of several historic and important spots in Bandung Institute of Technology Campus, namely Labtek IXB, West Hall, East Hall, Indonesia Tenggelam Pool, ITB Library, and Sports Facilities (Saraga) ITB.

This activity became the initial initiation in future research collaboration with Universität Wien.