Structure Design from Structure and Form Studio AR3250
Structure and Form Studio delivers the correlation between structure, form and material; and also delivers the frame system, active-plate and form-active. The students will be encouraged and inspired to produce creative and innovative form using structural design approach, such as origami. Other approaches to produce forms such as analogy, geometry, function, etc., will be delivered too. The students then will be thought to synchronize with suitable structure. These are the student work in exercise 1 and 2.
Exercise 1: Designing a structure based on active form (wires, tents, pneumatic, folded plate or arc)
1. Adisti Y W | Lina Shofivyana | Syahr Banu
2. Catharina Kartika | Arlene Dupe | Andria Priscilla
3. Dane Amilawangi | Ditrisa Taranadia | Fanisa Dyastari
4. Dimas Manggala | Elfine Owen | Richard Andersen | Dwi Astuti
5. Freddy Tjahyadi | B. Bagustanyo | Haneke Tiara
6. M Indra R | Wahyu N | Karlina W | M Zakky I
7. Raudina R | Viona M P | Ahmad Nur M | Debora U L
8. Salsabila Adela P | Cathrine | Pelangi Helia P | Victorina Arif
9. Siti Maysaroh | Rumu Nuraeni | Umar Iqamul F | Ady Dwi Nugroho
Exercise 2: Designing a building form from creative and innovative approach to geometry, analogy, functions, etc.
1. Ahmad Nur Maksum
2. Arif Satya Wirawan
3. Bennedictus B
4. Diah Fitria Arnadi
5. Dian Inayah
6. Dwi Astuti
7. Freddy Tjahyadi
8. Gabby Utchka
9. Julia S Dahlan
10. M Zakky Ibrahim
11. Mudita Lau
12. Safira
13. Salsabila Adela P
14. Salsabila P U
15. Syahr Banu
16. Wahyu Muharril H