Full Paper Submission Guidelines  

To submit your full paper, please follow the instructions below. Please note that abstract and full paper submissions must be completed through the conference software (ConfTool). Before submitting your full paper, you are required to register through the ConfTool for the online tool. All full papers will undergo a thorough peer review process.  

The Scientific Committee members will categorize all abstracts into two presentation types: oral or poster. Due to the expected high number of submissions, we have set a page limit of 12 pages (“strict”) for your paper. Please ensure that your paper adheres to this format, including figures, tables, and references. The page size should be A4. It is important to note that only full papers will be considered for oral presentations.  

To assist you in preparing your full paper, we have provided a template for your convenience. Please download the template from the following link: [Here].  

If you have already begun writing your paper for the proceedings, please ensure that it does not exceed the 12-page limit.  

We look forward to receiving your full paper and appreciate your contribution to the conference proceedings. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.