Dr. Dwinita Larasati, MA

1997 Sarjana Desain Produk Industri , FSRD ITB
1999 Magister Industrial Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, Eindhoven Netherlands
2007 Doktor Urbanism, Materials Science & Sustainable Construction, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands Spesfikasi: Desain Produk Berkelanjutan/Desain Produk untuk Lingkungan Binaan


  1. Bamboo Products Development Using Hybrid Technology: A Design Research on Bamboo Potential, Jurnal Ilmu Desain FSRD ITB, 2007
  2. Uncovering the Bamboo of Indonesia, Jurnal Ilmu Desain FSRD ITB, 2007
  3. Creating Sustainable Business through Creativity and Good Product Design: the success story of Mahanagari, Artepolis, 2008, Makalah
  4. Desain Produk Industri yang Berkelanjutan di Indonesia, Universitas Petra, 2008, Makalah
  5. Fostering Prosperous Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprises in West Java through Product Design Improvement and Strategy, 2008, SDSE2008, Makalah
  6. Design Development of Bamboo-Based Industrial Products with Press-Board Technique2009, Universitas Gajah Mada, Makalah
  7. The Simon Says of Design and Sustainability: Are We Game?, IASDR 2009, Makalah
  8. Reviving the Stagnated Footwear Industry of Cibaduyut through Design: A Case Study from West Java, ConnectED2010, Makalah
  9. Veneerboo Products and Machine Development for Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprises in West Java, Artepolis, 2010, Makalah
  10. Creative Economy is Not for Everybody. Or is It? Lessons Learned from Creative Economy Workshops in Ten Provinces in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember , 2011, Makalah
  11. Ekonomi Kreatif Bukan untuk Setiap Orang. Atau Sebaliknya, Pelajaran dari Lokakarya Ekonomi Kreatif di Sepuluh Provinsi di Indonesia, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, 2011, Makalah
  12. Artikel di Majalah Asosiasi Bambu Eropa:Larasati, D. “Hybride Technieken voor bamboeproducten in Indonesië”. Bamboe
    – Tijdschrift van de European Bamboo Society afdeling Nederland”. 21:1(2011). 12-13.
  13. Artikel di Majalah Asosiasi Bambu Amerika:Larasati, D. “Hybrid Methods for Bamboo Product Enterprises in Indonesia”.
    Bamboo – Magazine of the American Bamboo Society. 31:6(2010). 13-16.


  1. Pengembangan Produk Industri Berbasis Material Bambu dengan Teknik Press-Board, Riset Unggulan ITB, 2008, Ketua
  2. Peningkatan Kompetensi Masyarakat dan Sumber Daya Alam Kawasan Bandung Barat melalui Pengembangan Desain Produk Industri Kreatif Berbasis Potensi Lokal, Program Pengabdian Masyarakat ITB, 2010, Ketua


  1. Konferensi Internasional Artepolis, Arsitektur ITB, 2008,Peserta
  2. Konferensi Internasional SDSE, King Mongkut University Thornbury, Thailand, 2008, Peserta
  3. Konferensi Internasional IASDR, 2009, Peserta
  4. Konferensi Internasional ConnectED, University of New South Wales, Austalia, 2010, Peserta
  5. Konferensi Internasional Artepolis, Arsitektur ITB, 2010, Peserta
  6. 8 March 2010, Speaker in Bamboo Design Symposium, *Bamboo Design for Sustainable Life*, joint exhibition & workshop with Musashino Art University, held by Industrial Design Section ITB at Campus Center ITB. *“How Far Can You Go with Everything Bamboo? Bamboo Product Design for Sustainable Life”*
  7. 14 April 2010, Speaker in *Wanadri Roadshow* at ITB Campus Center. *“10 Pelajaran tentang Desain Produk & Keberlanjutan dari Pembuatan Kano Kulit Kayu” *(10 Lessons about Product Design & Sustainability from the Making of Tree Bark Canoe)
  8. 24 May 2010, Speaker in Seminar *Unuselessness* at University of Surabaya. *“Generating Ideas and Creativity from Our Daily Life: Bamboo Product Design for Sustainable Life”*
  9. 22-24 July 2010, Paper presentation at *Arte-Polis 3 International Conference* at Gedung Merdeka, Bandung
  10. 1-9 August 2010, Facilitator of *Training for 30 Trainers/Facilitators from 10 Provinces of Indonesia in the Field of
    Creative Economy*, held by the Department of Trade, Republic of Indonesia
  11. 2-4 August 2010, Participant: *ITB-UNCRD Poverty & Climate Change Workshop and Seminar *at ITB, ITB-UNCRD Senior Policy Seminar on Climate Change and Poverty in Asia-Africa
  12. 10 August 2010, Presenter at STDI, Bandung, about *Intellectual Property Rights for Creative Industry*
  13. 31 September 2010, Member of Jury, *ITB Eco-Campus logo design*, held by U-Green ITB
  14. 20 October 2010, Speaker, Workshop *Adiwiyata dan Sekolah Berbudaya Lingkungan* held by BPLHD Jawa Barat, Bandung
  15. 7 November 2010, Member of Jury, *Industrial Design Seminar and Competition (INDISCO)*, held by the Industrial Engineering Department of Diponegoro University, Semarang
  16. 7 November 2010, Speaker, *“Industrial Design & Sustainability”, Industrial Design Seminar and Competition (INDISCO)*, held by the Industrial Engineering Department of Diponegoro University, Semarang
  17. June-December 2010, Expert team for the Indonesian Ministry of Commerce, *“Creative Economy Workshop” in 10 Provinces in Indonesia*
  18. 2 December 2010, Participant, *Seminar on Green Engineering*, held by Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup ITB at Hotel Horison Bandung
  19. 18 December 2010 , Speaker, Workshop *Re-using Waste*, held by AIESEC at SMAN 3 Bandung
  20. 8-9 January 2011, Participant, *The Climate Project Asia Pacific Summit*, Jakarta Hilton Convention Center
  21. 31 January 2011, Speaker at Product Design Focus #3, *Climate Change: What Have Designers Got to Do with It?* at Padi Art Ground, Bandung
  22. 17 February 2011, Speaker at Cendekia Leadership School, *Perubahan Iklim, Apa Ya Itu?*
  23. 21-22 February 2011, Speaker & workshop participant, *Women’s Manga beyond Japan*, National University Singapore, Singapore
  24. 20 May 2011, Speaker, *Temu Perupa Nasional 2011*, “Reposisi Perupa di Era Ekonomi Kreatif”, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta. Paper “Ekonomi Kreatif Bukan untuk Setiap Orang. Atau Sebaliknya? – Pelajaran dari Lokakarya Ekonomi Kreatif di Sepuluh Provinsi di Indonesia
  25. 26 July 2011, Moderator, 1st panel session of *The 3rd Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business *, “Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship in the New Era”, held by SBM ITB
    at Gedung Merdeka, Bandung
  26. 27 July 2011 , Member of Jury, *e-Idea Competition 2011*, British Council
  27. 28 July 2011, Speaker, Lokakarya *Optimalisasi Pengembangan 7 (Tujuh) Kawasan Perindustrian dan Perdagangan dalam Rangka Menunjang Pengembangan Kota Berbasis Ekonomi Kreatif*, Pemerintah Kota Bandung
  28. 10 August 2011, Mentor & participant *Cikapundung River Urban Acupuncture Workhsop*, Urbane Community, Bandung
  29. 16 October 2011, Moderator & participant, *Brandsociology*workshop (speakers: Oliver Errichiello, Singgih S.
    Kartono) at Magno, Temanggung
  30. 24 October 2011, Moderator for panel session, *The International Textiles and Costume Congress* at ITB, held by ITB, Costume Cultural Association (CCA-Korea) and ARS Textrina (UK)
  31. 18 November 2011, Expert resource at a Focused Group Discussion: *Diskusi Model Pengembangan Angklung* setelah Ditetapkan Sebagai *Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity* at STSI, Bandung.
  32. Lokakarya Internasional, Womens Manga Beyond Japan, National University Singapore, 2011,Pembicara
  33. Simposium Nasional Temu Perupa Nasional, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, 2011, Pembicara

Inovator Teknologi, Hari Kebangkitan Teknologi Nasional ke-15, Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi, 2010