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Undergraduate Program Curriculum


Semester I Semester II
No code Matakuliah SKS No code Matakuliah SKS
1 MA1101 Mathematics IA 4 1 MA1201 Mathematics IIA 4
2 FI1101 Fundamental Physics IA 4 2 FI1201 Fundamental Physics IIA 4
3 KI1101 Basic Chemistry IA 3 3 KI1201 Basic Chemistry IIA 3
4 KU1164 Introduction to Mineral and Energy Resources 2 4 KU1011 Procedure for Writing Scientific Papers 2
5 KU1102 Introduction to Computing 3 5 KU1001 Sport 2
6 KU1024 english language 2 6 KU1202 Introduction to Engineering and Design 3
total 18     total 18





Semester III Semester IV
No code Matakuliah SKS No code Matakuliah SKS
1 TM2121 Petroleum Engineering Partial Differential Equations 3 1 TM2203 Petroleum Engineering Numerical Methods 3
2 MA2081 Basic Statistics 3 2 EL2043 Industrial Electronics 3
3 TK3081 Basic thermodynamics A 3 3 GL3053 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 3
4 IF2112 Computer programming 3 4 TK3082 Introduction to Migration Events A 3
5 GL2111 Physical Geology 3 5 TM2209 Petrofisika + Praktikum 3
6 TM2108 Fluid Reservoir+Practicum 3 6 MG2017 Material Strength 2
total 18     total 17


Semester V Semester VI
No code Matakuliah SKS No code Matakuliah SKS
1 TM3110 Reservoir Engineering I 3 1 TM3211 Reservoir Engineering II 3
2 TM3104 Production Engineering 3 2 TM3205 Field Processing & Transportation 3
3 TM3101 Drilling Technique I + Practicum 3 3 TM3206 Field Processing & Transportation 3
4 TM3113 Well Testing 3 4 TM3202 Drilling Engineering II + Practicum 3
5 GL4055 Oil and Gas Geology 3 5 TM3207 Well Completion & Rework 3
6 KU2071 Pancasila & Citizenship 2 6 TM3214 Well Log Analysis 3
7 KU206x Religion & Ethics 2 7 TM3090 Job Training & Report Writing 2
total 19     total 20




Semester VII Semester VIII
No code Matakuliah SKS No code Matakuliah SKS
1 TM4112 Reservoir Characterization & Modeling 3 1 TM4235 Control of Oil and Gas Operations Environment 2
2 TM4107 Well Stimulation 2 2 TM4215 Project Management & Economics 3
3 TM4116 Increase in Oil Retrieval 3 3 TM4217 Natural Gas Engineering 3
4 XXxxxx TM/Minor Outside Options 3 4 TM4000 Capstone Design 3
5 TM40xx Pilihan TM1 / Minor 3 5 TM4219 Pilihan TM3 / Minor /PT 3
6 TM40xx Pilihan TM2 / Minor 3 6 TM4089 Pilihan TM4/Minor /PT 3
total 17     total 17



Semester Ganjil Semester Genap
No code Matakuliah SKS PT/P No code Matakuliah SKS PT/P
1 TM4089 Targeted Studies 3 PT 11 TM4029 Kapita Selekta Pemboran 3 P
2 TM4219 Geothermal Engineering 3 PT 12 TM4030 Production Problems 3 P
3 TM4020 Obtaining Unconventional Hydrocarbons 3 P 13 TM4031 Petroleum Artificial Intelligence 3 P
4 TM4021 Energy Economics 3 P 14 TM4032 Oil and Gas Industry Regulations 3 P
5 TM4022 Carbonate Reservoirs and Natural Fractures 3 P 15 TM4033 Logging Produksi 3 P
6 TM4023 Field Development Planning 3 P 16 TM4034 Petroleum Geostatistics 3 P
7 TM4024 Reservoir Data Processing 3 P 17 TM4036 Offshore Drilling 3 P
8 TM4025 Optimization of Oil and Gas Operations 3 P 18 TM4037 Big Data Perminyakan 3 P
9 TM4026 Geothermal Field Development 3 P 19 TM4038 Natural Gas Business and Market 3 P
10 TM4028 Horizontal Drilling Technique 3 P 20 TM4039 Natural Gas Business and Market 3 P



  curiculum old   curiculum new
code MK Name SKS W/P Tahap code MK Name SKS W/P Tahap
MA1101 Mathematics IA 4 W TPB MA1101 Mathematics IA 4 W TPB
FI1101 Fundamental Physics IA 4 W TPB FI1101 Fundamental Physics IA 4 W TPB
KI1101 Basic Chemistry I A 3 W TPB KI1101 Basic Chemistry IA 3 W TPB
KU1101 Introduction to Engineering & Design I 2 W TPB
KU1001 Sport 2 W TPB KU1001 Sport 2 W TPB
 KU1011 Procedure for Writing Scientific Papers 2 W TPB KU1011 Procedure for Writing Scientific Papers 2 W TPB
KU1164 Introduction to Mineral and Energy Resources 2 W TPB KU1164 Introduction to Mineral and Energy Resources 2 W TPB
MA1201 Mathematics IIA 4 W TPB MA1201 Mathematics IIA 4 W TPB
FI1201 Fundamental Physics IIA 4 W TPB FI1201 Fundamental Physics IIA 4 W TPB
KI1201 Basic Chemistry II A 3 W TPB KI1201 Basic Chemistry IIA 3 W TPB
KU1201 Introduction to Engineering & Design II 2 W TPB KU1202 Pengantar Rekayasa & Desain 3 W TPB
KU1072 Introduction to Information Technology B 2 W TPB KU1102 Introduction to Computing 3 W TPB
KU102X english language 2 W TPB KU1024 english language 2 W TPB
TM2121 Petroleum Engineering Partial Differential Equations 3 W S TM2121 Petroleum Engineering Partial Differential Equations 3 W S
MA2081 Basic Statistics 3 W S MA2081 Basic Statistics 3 W S
TK3081 Basic thermodynamics A 3 W S TK3081 Basic thermodynamics A 3 W S
IF2132 Computer Programming (TM) 3 W S IF2112 Computer programming 3 W S
GL2111 Physical Geology 3 W S GL2111 Physical Geology 3 W S
TM2108 Reservoir fluids 3 W S TM2108 Reservoir fluids 3 W S
MA3072 Numerical Method 3 W S TM2203 Petroleum Engineering Numerical Methods 3 W S
EL2043 Industrial Electronics 3 W S EL2043 Industrial Electronics 3 W S
GL3053 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 3 W S GL3053 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy 3 W S
TK3082 Introduction to Migration Events A 3 W S TK3082 Introduction to Migration Events A 3 W S
TM2209 Petrofisika + Praktikum 3 W S TM2209 Petrofisika + Praktikum 3 W S
MS2111 Mechanics of Strength of Materials 3 W S MG2017 Material Strength 2 W S
TM3110 Reservoir Engineering I 3 W S TM3110 Reservoir Engineering I 3 W S
TM3104 Production Engineering 3 W TM3104 Production Engineering 3 W S
TM3101 Drilling Technique I + Practicum 3 W S TM3101 Drilling Technique I + Practicum 3 W S
TM3113 Well Testing 3 W S TM3113 Well Testing 3 W S
GL3251 Oil and Gas Geology 3 W S GL4055 Oil and Gas Geology 3 W S
KU2071 Pancasila & Citizenship 2 W S KU2071 Pancasila & Citizenship 2 W S
KU206x Religion and Ethics 2 W S KU206x Religion & Ethics 2 W S
TM3211 Reservoir Engineering II 3 W S TM3211 Reservoir Engineering II 3 W S
TM3205 Field Processing and Transportation 3 W S TM3205 Field Processing & Transportation 3 W S
TM3206 Field Processing & Transportation 3 W S TM3206 Field Processing & Transportation 3 W S
TM3202 Drilling Engineering II + Practicum 3 W S TM3202 Drilling Engineering II + Practicum 3 W S
TM3207 Well Completion & Rework 3 W S TM3207 Well Completion & Rework 3 W S
TM3214 Well Log Analysis 3 W S TM3214 Well Log Analysis 3 W S
TM3000 Job Training & Report Writing 1 W S TM3090 Job Training & Report Writing 2 W S
TM4112 Reservoir Characterization and Modeling 3 W S TM4112 Reservoir Characterization & Modeling 3 W S
TM4107 Well Stimulation 2 W S TM4107 Well Stimulation 2 W S
TM4116 Increase in Oil Retrieval 3 W S TM4116 Increase in Oil Retrieval 3 W S
XXxxxx TM/Minor Outside Options 3 P S XXxxxx TM/Minor Outside Options 3 P S
TM40xx Pilihan TM1 / Minor 3 P S TM40xx Pilihan TM1 / Minor 3 P S
TM40xx Pilihan TM2 / Minor 3 P S TM40xx Pilihan TM2 / Minor 3 P S
TM4235 Control of Oil and Gas Operations Environment 2 W S TM4235 Control of Oil and Gas Operations Environment 2 W S
TM4215 Project Management and Economics 3 W S TM4115 Project Management & Economics 3 W S
TM4217 Natural Gas Engineering 3 W S TM4000 Capstone design 3 W S
TM40xx Pilihan TM3 / Minor 3 P S TM4219 Geothermal Engineering 3 PT S
TM40xx Pilihan TM4 / Minor 3 P S TM40xx Pilihan TM3 / Minor 3 P S
TM4099 Thesis 3 W S TM4089 Targeted Studies 3 PT S