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Final Project Guide

Regulations relating to Final Projects and Seminars

  • For undergraduate trial requirements, students are required to have attended seminars at least 10 (ten) times.
  • Recognized seminars are seminars held in the Petroleum Engineering Study Program including Guest Seminars, Final Assignments, Theses and Dissertations.


  • Students may be allowed to start taking the Final Project in Semester VII (seven) or have completed at least 100 credits with the approval of the academic guardian.
  • The Final Project Session for the Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering Study Program is held in an open seminar led by the final assignment supervisor and the final assignment grade is given by the supervisor after the seminar is over.
  • The Final Project Session is considered valid if attended by at least 10 (ten) students.
  • Some of the requirements that must be met by students before the final assignment session is carried out are:
    • Participation in seminars at least 10 times.
    • Minimum TOEFL score of 450 (valid for 2 years).
    • The final project report is written in a paper format that follows the procedures for the JTM journal with a flexible amount. The final project report can be written in Indonesian or English.
    • The final project report must be completed before the undergraduate trial. For the requirements to be able to obtain an ITB diploma, students are required to submit 2 copies of the final project report in hardcopy and one copy in softcopy (CD)
  • The Final Assignment format can be downloaded disini.

Final Assignment assessment criteria include:

1. Materi TA

  • Background and literature review
  • Methodology
  • Results & Conclusions

Mastery of TA Material
Basic knowledge
Presentation skills and answering questions.
TA writing

Requirements for final assignment/thesis/dissertation advisors

The authorities and responsibilities of lecturers in TA guidance are adjusted to the qualifications and criteria, duties and responsibilities and authority of the lecturer's academic position as

No lecturer academic position Educational Qualification guidance
Thesis / Final Project Tesis Disertasi
1 expert assistant Magister M
Doktor M B
2 lecturer Magister M B*
Doktor M M B
3 Head Lecturer Magister M M**
Doktor M M B/M**
4 professor Doktor M M M***

Golongan III/d
As the first author in a reputable international scientific journal
n accordance with Article 26 paragraph 10 (b) Permendikbud number 49 of 2014
carry out