penghargaan Dean’s List
FTTM ITB – 80 TPB Students, 125 Students of Petroleum Engineering Study Program, 77 Students of Metallurgical Engineering Program, 32 Students of Mining Engineering Program, and 62 Students of Geophysics Engineering Department Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) was awarded Dean’s List for his achievement of averaging (NR) semester II – 2016/2017 above 3.50.
Dean’s List is an award given annually to outstanding students with the following criteria:
- Registered as an ITB student and not on academic leave
- Not being exposed to academic sanctions
- In the second semester – 2016/2017 has a minimum value (NR) of 3.50 without the value of D and E with a minimum number of SKS 16, excluding the Job Training and Final Course
- In the second semester – 2016/2017 do not repeat or take semester courses under it and not repeat the same courses in the level
View List of Recipients Dean’s List Awards Semester II – 2016/2017 Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
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