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Daily Archives: Maret 29, 2019

Guest Lecture with Mr. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D

Guest Lecture with Mr. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D

Bandung, TM.itb.ac.id, Friday 29/03/2019, In ​​order to broaden the knowledge of master and doctoral study program students Petroleum Engineering The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology routinely holds guest lecture by inviting speakers from both industry and government agencies, as for this time the opportunity to fill the guest lecture TM6051 […]

Guest Lecture with Mr. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D

Guest Lecture with Mr. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D

Bandung, TM.itb.ac.id, Friday 29/03/2019, In ​​order to broaden the knowledge of master and doctoral study program students Petroleum Engineering The Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology routinely holds guest lecture by inviting speakers from both industry and government agencies, as for this time the opportunity to fill the guest lecture TM6051 […]

Kuliah Tamu Bersama Bpk. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D

Kuliah Tamu Bersama Bpk. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D

Bandung, TM.itb.ac.id, Jumat 29/03/2019, Dalam rangka menambah wawasan mahasiswa program studi magister dan dokter Teknik Perminyakan Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan Institut Teknologi Bandung secara rutin mengadakan kuliah tamu dengan mengundang pembicara baik dari industri maupun instansi pemerintah, adapun yang kali ini berkesempatan mengisi kuliah tamu TM6051 adalah Bpk. Lukcy A. Yusgiantoro, Ph.D. dengan tema […]