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2019 Petroleum Engineering Curriculum Workshop

2019 Petroleum Engineering Curriculum Workshop

2019 Petroleum Engineering Curriculum Workshop

Bandung, tm.itb.ac.id, located at Patra Comfort Hotel, Saturday 9 March 2019, the Petroleum Engineering study program holds a curriculum workshop, in order to adapt the curriculum in accordance with the national standards of Higher Education.

2018 Curriculum Evaluation and License with existing rules and conditions, namely:
– UU No. 12/2012: Pendidikan Tinggi
– Perpres No. 8/2012: Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI)
– Permen No. 73/2013: Implementasi KKNI
– PP No. 4/2014: Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Tinggi
– Permen No. 62/2016: SPMPT (Perubahan Permen No. 50/2014)
– Permen No. 50/2018: Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi
– Terms and Conditions of Competence of the ABET International Accreditation Board
– Competency Terms and Conditions according to the Professional Organization of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

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