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TM Prodi officially obtain ABET Accreditation

TM Prodi officially obtain ABET Accreditation

TM Prodi officially obtain ABET Accreditation

Petroleum Engineering Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) has been officially accredited by ABET, Inc. for the validity period of the year 2013-2017. Obtaining accreditation demonstrates the commitment of Petroleum Engineering Program to provide high quality education for its students.

Acting as Chairman of the ABET accreditation is Ir. Asep Kurnia Permadi, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Team Members Prof. Ir. Pudjo Sukarno, M.Sc., Ph.D .; Prof. Ir. Pudji Permadi, M.Sc., Ph.D .; Dr. Ir. Arsegianto, M.Sc .; Ir. Utjok W.R. Siagian, M.Sc., Ph.D .; Ir. Typhoon Marhaendrajana, M.Sc., Ph.D .; Dr.-Eng. Ir. Sutopo, M.Eng; Zuher Shihab, ST., Ph.D .; and Dr.-Ing. Bonar Old Halomoan Marbun. The accreditation process has been ongoing since 2013 and documents Self Study Report submitted in June 2014. Visitation by ABET Program Evaluator conducted in November 2014. After a series of evaluation by the accreditation commission at the headquarters of ABET, Inc., on August 10, 2015 Program Study of Petroleum Engineering has officially obtained ABET accreditation for the validity period of the year 2013-2017 and ending on 30 September 2017.


ABET, Inc. a college accrediting agencies in the field of applied science, computing, engineering, and technology. As one prominent accrediting agencies in the United States, ABET, Inc. has accredited over 3100 courses spread over 600 universities located in various countries.

ABET accreditation internationally accepted standards and is a guarantee of quality of higher education accredited. ABET accreditation process at the ITB has lasted long enough with the stage in the form of an evaluation of the documents submitted and direct visits to the ITB. The things that are evaluated include students, study program objectives, program outcomes, curriculum, teacher qualifications, administration, facilities, and means of support and finance. During a visit to the campus, Program Evaluator of ABET, Inc. also assess these aspects directly through lectures, student projects, the data measurement for the study program, as well as interviews with students, faculty, and leaders of both the faculty and at headquarters. Evaluation terminated by a written report after a series of meetings with the evaluation Evaluator Program.

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