The International Process Metallurgy Conference (IPMC) is a scientific forum that brings together participants from across the globe to share the latest advancements, knowledge, and innovations in metallurgical processes, and to foster the use of best practices. The Department of Metallurgical Engineering at the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung has organized this biennial conference since 2008, with support from The Indonesian Metallurgical Profession Association (Prometindo) and Institution of Engineers Indonesia, (BKT Metalurgi PII).
The previous IPMC event was a resounding success, with 42 scientific articles indexed in SCOPUS. This year, IPMC 2023 is hosting an international seminar forum that will showcase and discuss the latest developments and technological innovations in metallurgical processes. The conference aims to strengthen networks and synergies among industry practitioners, academics, researchers, and policymakers involved in the metallurgical industry, enabling fruitful collaborations and driving technological advancements.
Progress in Process Metallurgy Towards Sustainability: Resource Conservation, Process Optimization, and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
This Conference will discuss the following topics:
- Geometallurgy
- Mineral and Coal Processing
- Coal Upgrading
- Pyrometallurgy
- Hydrometallurgy
- Biohydrometallurgy
- Electrometallurgy
- Alloy Metal Design
- Surface Treatment
- Casting, Forming and Machining
- Metal Recycling and Waste Management
- Corrosion and Degradation of Metals
East Hall (Aula Timur) and Multipurpose Hall, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Registration Form
Final Paper Submission
Paper Template
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
Deadline July 20, 2023
Abstract Acceptance Announcement
July 20, 2023
Full Paper Submission
Deadline July 30, 2023
Paper Revision Period
August 15, 2023 to September 2, 2023
Final Paper Submission
September 2, 2023
International Conference, 1st Day
September 12, 2023
Location: East Hall ITB
Time: 09.00 – 17.00 (GMT+7)
International Conference, 2nd Day
September 13, 2023
Location: East Hall ITB
Time: 09.00 – 17.00 (GMT+7)
Abstract Criteria
You are welcome to submit an abstract of your research work to IPMC 2023. The proposed research work must not previously submitted or published elsewhere. The abstract should include the title of the paper, author(s) name, affiliation, complete address, email address, telephone number and an abstract of 200 to 250 words. The abstract must be written in English. All paper should ideally about 5-6 pages in length.
Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. All accepted papers will be published in E3S Web of Conferences, an Open Access proceedings. E3S Web of Conferences are indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), Chemical Abstract Services (CAS), Web of Science, and Google Scholar, among others.
Registration fee
- USD 200 for international participants
- IDR 1,750,000 for presenting participants
- IDR 750,000 for participant with no paper
- Overseas Participant
Paypal: Link to pay (via Paypal) will be sent by email from after the participant filled a form on this websiteDomestic Participant - Domestic Participant
Bank Transfer: BNI Branch PTB
Account Name: IPMC Organizer
Account Number: 0433091622
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Eddy Agus Basuki
Head of Sustainability and Corrosion Laboratory
Department of Metallurgical Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology
Learn More
Prof. Youn-Bae Kang
Professor at Department of Ferrous & Energy Materials Technology
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Learn More
Prof. M Akbar Rhamdhani
Professor and Direcor of Fluid and Process Dynamics (FPD) Group at Swinburne
swinburne university
Prof. Kyeong Woo Chung
Executive Director – Resources Utilization Division
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Assoc. Prof. Sadia Ilyas
Assistant Professor – Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry BrainPool Scientist, National Research Foundation, South Korea
Hanyang University
Prof. Pekka Taskinen
Professor Emeritus – Aalto University School of Chemical Technology
Aalto University
Prof. Evgueni Jak
Professor in Pyrometallurgy at the School of Chemical Engineering, .
University of Queensland
Assoc. Prof. Daniel Lindberg
Associate Professor in Thermodynamics of Metallurgical Processes – Aalto University, School of Chemical Engineering
Aalto University
Prof. David Dreisinger
Professor and Industrial Research Chair in Hydrometallurgy – University of British Columbia
University of British Columbia