International Webinar 2021: “Managing Mine and Metallurgical Wastes for a Sustainable Metal Industry: Valorization and Remediation”

Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB proudly announces and invites you to join The International Metallurgy Webinar 2021. This webinar will be held on November 26th, 2021.
Waste management is becoming a growing global environmental concern for companies and organizations worldwide. With environmental regulations becoming more stringent, there is an ever-increasing need to develop efficient and clean integrated systems for managing wastes in a sustainable manner. In order to develop public awareness towards this issue, Department of Metallurgical Engineering ITB, in collaboration with a number of renowned scientists from all over the world, will hold International Webinar themed “Managing Mine and Metallurgical Wastes for a Sustainable Metal Industry: Valorization and Remediation“. This webinar will cover recent findings and developments on how to manage waste, particularly those from mining and metallurgical industries.
This webinar will discuss the following topics:
- The Complexities of Metal Leaching From Heap and Mine Waste Rock Piles
- Extraction of Scandium from Red Mud (Bauxite Refining Tailings)
- Processing of Spent PCBs from Electronic Waste Using Flotation Method to Obtain Valuable Metals
- Metal-based Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications
- Formation Processes of Ni laterite Deposits: Implications for Exploration, Processing, and Environments
- Process-oriented Characterization in Primary and Secondary Metal Resources Treatment and Valorization
- Production of Thorium Fluoride from Radioactive Tailings of Indonesian Tin Mine Operations
How To Register?
This webinar is totally FREE!
Participants can register for this webinar through the following registration link:
Contact Person:
Phone: +62 812-6084-3775 (Abrar)
Session 1
Opening Session I
November 26 , 2021 / 08.25 AM – 08.35 AM (GMT+7)
D.Sc.(Tech.).Imam Santoso, S.T., M.Phil.
Welcoming Speech I
November 26 , 2021 / 08.35 AM – 08.40 AM (GMT+7)
Prof. Ir. Ridho Kresna Wattimena, MT.,Ph.D. IPU.
Welcoming Speech II
November 26 , 2021 / 08.40 AM – 08.45 AM (GMT+7)
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Siti Khodijah Chaerun, MT., Ph.D
The Complexities of Metal Leaching From Heap and Mine Waste Rock Piles
November 26 , 2021 / 08.45 AM – 09.45 AM (GMT+7)
Assoc. Prof. Wenying Liu, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Extraction of Scandium from Red Mud (Bauxite Refining Tailings)
November 26 , 2021 / 09.45 AM – 10.15 AM (GMT+7)
Prof. Dr. Zaki Mubarok, S.T., M.T.
Processing of Spent PCBs from Electronic Waste Using Flotation Method to Obtain Valuable Metals: a Review
November 26 , 2021 / 10.15 AM – 10.45 AM (GMT+7)
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Edy Sanwani, PhD
Session 2
Opening Session II
November 26 , 2021 / 01.00 PM – 01.15 PM (GMT+7)
Asst. Prof. Taufik Hidayat Ph.D
Metal-based Quantum Dots: Synthesis and Applications
November 26 , 2021 / 01.15 PM – 02.00 PM (GMT+7)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Caner Ünlü
Formation Processes of Ni laterite Deposits: Implications for Exploration, Processing, and Environments
November 26 , 2021 / 02.00 PM – 02.45 PM (GMT+7)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsubasa Otake
Process Oriented Characterization in Primary and Secondary Metal Resources Treatment and Valorization
November 26 , 2021 / 02.45 PM – 03.30 PM (GMT+7)
Prof. Dr. Stoyan Gaydardzhiev
Production of Thorium Fluoride from Radioactive Tailings of Indonesian Tin Mine Operations
November 26 , 2021 / 03.30 PM – 04.00 PM (GMT+7)
Bachtiar Machruf, TM Al-Wafi, Zela Tanlega Ichlas, Dadan Suhendar, Indarta Aji, Imam Santoso
Keynote Speakers
Session 1 (08.30 – 10.45)

Assoc. Prof. Wenying Liu, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Department of Materials Engineering
The University of British Columbia
Vancouver Campus

Prof. Dr. mont. Zaki Mubarok, S.T., M.T.
Head of Hydro-Electrometallurgy Laboratory
Department of Metallurgical Engineering Bandung
Institute of Technology

Assoc. Prof. Ir. Edy Sanwani, M.T., Ph.D.
Head of Mineral Processing Laboratory
Department of Metallurgical Engineering
Bandung Institute of Technology
Session 2 (13.00 – 16.00)

Asst. Prof. Dr. Caner Ünlü
Department of Chemistry
Istanbul Technical University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsubasa Otake
Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering
Hokkaido University

Prof. Dr. Stoyan Gaydardzhiev
GeMMe-Mineral Processing and Recycling
University of Liege
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