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Industrial Training Procedure

Students who are willing to take industrial training can discuss with the head of department, supervisor, or senior students who have done the industrial training related to the location of industrial training. The location of industrial training available to metallurgical engineering students can be seen here.

The requirements and procedures for industrial training are as follows:

  1. Industrial training can be done after students completed 5th semester and minimum 95 credits.
  2. Students must register and submit an industrial training proposal containing background, purpose, and schedule of the industrial training to the Administration Office.
  3. Students will get letter of application for industrial training from the Administration Office after they submitted the proposal.
  4. The letter of application for industrial is valid if signed by the head of department.
  5. If the students have been accepted by industry, students will be provided with cover letter and assessment sheets to be filled by supervisors of industrial training in the industry as the basis for the assessment of the course.
  6. Students perform industrial training in industries related to the metallurgical area for a certain time (usually 1-2 months).
  7. After completing the industrial training, students are required to make a report which will be presented to the lecturer and attended by other students.
  8. The industrial training report must be submitted to the lecturer one week before the presentation day.

The requirements and procedures of industrial training can be downloaded here.