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Prof. Dr.mont. Mohammad Zaki Mubarok, ST., MT. Selected at MMII Research Awards 2019

Prof. Dr.mont. Mohammad Zaki Mubarok, ST., MT. Selected at MMII Research Awards 2019

Prof. Dr.mont. Mohammad Zaki Mubarok, ST., MT. Selected at MMII Research Awards 2019

JAKARTA – The 2019 Mining and Minerals Industry Institute (MMII) Innovation Research Competition is entering its final stages. Three researchers in the mining sector managed to come out as the Three Chosen to get funding to continue research up to the industrial scale of the MIND ID Mining Industry Holding with a total of up to Rp 3 billion, adjusted to the research needs.


At the 2019 MMII Research Award, five finalists presented their research programs to the Jury, Advisory Board, and all CEOs holding Holding MIND ID members consisting of PT ANTAM Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT INALUM, and PT TIMAH Tbk.


Chairman of the 2019 MMII Research Awards Jury, Ir. Agus Tjahajana Wirakusumah, SE, M.Sc stated that the researcher was selected and was the result of the screening of proposals conducted by 8 juries. Among them Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif (Special Staff of MEMR), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharno (Professor of the University of Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sunendar (Professor of the Bandung Institute of Technology), and Dr. Ir. R. Suchyar (PERHAPI).


“The five finalists who competed have passed two stages, namely the Proposal Selection (8/10) and Presentation Selection (15/10). In this final session, the Judges and Advisory Board of MMII assessed and directly selected the three elected. So in this competition there is no champion one, two or three. But all three are elected and are entitled to receive funding, “said Agus Tjahajana, Chair of the 2019 MMI Research Awards Jury.


The three selected researchers are:

  1. Dr. Eng. Januarti Jaya Eka Putri ST, MT from the Ten November Institute of Technology with the research title “SIBELHIJAU: Innovation of Environmentally Friendly Concrete Products with Microbial Content Encapsulated in B3 Waste” which utilizes waste from coal combustion (fly ash bottom ash) to be reused as a substitute construction material cement.
  2. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Zaki Mubarok ST, MT from the Bandung Institute of Technology with the research title “Development of Synthesis of Nickel Sulphate and Cobalt Sulfate Synthesis from Lateritic Nickel Ore for Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt Lithium Battery Cathode Material (NMC) for Electric Vehicle Applications” with the benefits of mastery research nickel processing technology as a raw material for batteries for electric vehicles.
  3. Dr. Ir. Sotya Astutiningsih M.Eng from the University of Indonesia with the research title titled “Utilization of Ferronickel Slag as a Three Dimensional Printing Mortar for the Construction Industry” which will increase the added value of nickel processing by-products for construction materials combined with three-dimensional construction printing technology.

Three Selected Mining Industry Researchers

The final event of the 2019 MMII Research Award is part of a series of activities welcoming the second anniversary of MIND ID which aims to provide appreciation and collaboration between industry and researchers. MIND ID through the MMII Division is committed to bridging the results of research / research of the nation’s children to meet industry needs.


MIND ID’s CEO, Orias Petrus Moedak, explained that the three selected researchers will be funded to continue their research according to their respective proposals and are expected to be utilized by the MIND ID Group.


“Today we are not only proud to have a mine, but also with thoughts and innovations in the mining industry through events such as the MMII Research Award. We hope that the results of this research will not only end on the library shelves, but can be utilized by us. To become a world class player, there must be adequate research costs and we must spend it, “Orias said.


MMII Research Awards 2019 succeeded in attracting 153 teams with a total of 564 researchers with a total of 124 proposals received from all university and research and development institutions in Indonesia.



The Mining Industry Holding was officially formed on 27 November 2017 using PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminimum (Persero) as the holding company of the 4 largest mining industries in Indonesia, namely PT Aneka Tambang Tbk., PT Bukit Asam Tbk., PT Timah Tbk., And PT Freeport Indonesia.


On August 17, 2019, the Mining Industry Holding was transformed into MIND ID (Mining Industry Indonesia) which owned 65% of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk., 65.02% of PT Bukit Asam Tbk., 65% of shares, PT Timah Tbk., And 51 , 2% stake in PT Freeport Indonesia.


As of December 2018, the Mining Industry Holding posted a Consolidated Revenue of Rp65.2 trillion, growing 38% from the previous year. Consolidated EBITDA reached Rp18.5 trillion, growing 50% from the previous year. Consolidated Net Profit reached Rp10.5 trillion, growing 54% from 2017. (adv)

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