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Staff Akademik – Taufiq Hidayat

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Taufiq Hidayat, ST., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Taufiq Hidayat, ST., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Nopeg: 118110105

Head of Bachelor Program of Metallurgical  Engineering

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  • Tel : +62 (0)-22-250 2239
  • Fax : +62 (0)-22-250 4209
  • E-mail : t.hidayat@itb.ac.id


  1. Doctor of Philosophy in Pyrometallurgical Engineering (2013), School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia.
  2. Master of Philosophy in Pyrometallurgical Engineering (2008), School of Mining and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia.
  3. Bachelor of Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering (2005), Mining Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.


  • Slag chemistry
  • Non-ferrous high temperature processing
  • Kinetics of heterogeneous reaction
  • Computer coupling of phase diagrams and thermochemistry (CALPHAD)


  1. Kinetics in Metallurgical Processes 2019 : Lecturer, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  2. Pyrometallurgy 2018 : Lecturer & Course Coordinator, University of Queensland, Australia
  3. Pyrometallurgy 2017 : Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia
  4. Pyrometallurgy 2016 : Lecturer, University of Queensland, Australia


  1. Lecturer, Metallurgical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, January 2019 – Present
  2. Research Fellow, PYROSEARCH Innovation Centre, The University of Queensland, Australia, Augustus 2014 – December 2018
  3. Process Engineer, Manganese Processing Plant Development, Jakarta, Indonesia, April 2013 – July 2014
  4. Visiting Scholar, Centre for Research in Computational Thermochemistry (CRCT), Canada, September – October 2012
  5. Research Scholar, The University of Queensland, Australia, MPhil (June 2006 – Augustus 2008) & PhD (January 2009 – March 2013)
  6. Assistant Lecturer, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, September – December 2008
  7. Research Assistant, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, July 2005 – June 2006


  1. Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia, 2019 – Present.
  2. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society – Extraction & Processing Division Science Award, 2018 : This award recognizes a paper, or series of closely related papers, with at least one common author, which represents extraction and processing metallurgy, with emphasis on nonferrous metals. Paper : A.Fallah-Mehrjardi, T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Experimental Investigation of Slag/Matte/Tridymite Equilibrium in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System at Controlled Gas Atmosphere: Development of Technique “, Metall Mater Trans B, doi: 10.1007/s11663-017-1073-y.
  3. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society – Extraction & Processing Division Pyrometallurgy Best Paper Award, 2018 : This award recognized individual excellence of a paper published in the proceeding volume of the EPD pyrometallurgy symposium from the previous year (2018). Paper : A.Fallah-Mehrjardi, T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Experimental Investigation of Gas/Slag/Matte/Tridymite Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System in Controlled Gas Atmosphere: Experimental Results at 1523 K (1250 °C) and P(SO2) = 0.25 atm”. Metall Mater Trans B, 49, 2018, pp. 1732-1739. doi:10.1007/s11663-018-1260-5.
  4. Editor Choice Award for 2017 from the Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion : 1 of 5 awards given annually for articles appearing in this Journal. This award is reflective of the comprehensive nature of the paper and its overall excellence. Paper : T.Hidayat, D.Shishin, S.Decterov, and E.Jak, “Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Re-optimization of the FeO–Fe2O3–SiO2 System”, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 38, pp. 477-492
  5. UQ Early Career Researcher Grant, 2017 – UQECR1719509 : A competitive basis, high quality research projects of modest financial cost for early career researchers
  6. ZINIFEX prize, 2013 : Awarded to the student who graduated with a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy; and whose postgraduate work was in the broad field of mineral processing or extractive metallurgy, and considered most worthy of the award
  7. CALPHAD XLII Scholarship, 2013 : Awarded to support travel to CALPHAD XLII conference
  8. UQ-Graduate School International Travel Award, 2012 : Awarded to support overseas travel to carry out international research collaboration
  9. International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, 2009 – 2012 : Awarded to outstanding international research higher degree students to cover tuition fees and student health cover
  10. ZINIFEX prize, 2009 : Awarded to the student who graduated with a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy; and whose postgraduate work was in the broad field of mineral processing or extractive metallurgy, and considered most worthy of the award
  11. UQ Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research Higher Degree Theses, 2009 : Awarded for master thesis entitled “The Fundamental Studies on the Mechanisms and Kinetics of Nickel Oxide Reduction”
  12. Australian Development Scholarship, 2006 – 2008 : One of 300 selected out of 5,048 scholars in Indonesia to receive scholarship to study in Australian university.


  • TMS – The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Member, January 2014 – Present


  1. Kajian Penggunaan Teknologi Rotary Kiln Magnetic Separator untuk Produksi Powder Nickel Pig Iron, 2019, PT. LAPI ITB
  2. Process optimisation of ferronickel making at Baosteel through combined experimental and thermodynamic modelling studies, 2015 – 2018, Sponsor: Baosteel-Australia Joint Research and Development Centre, Australia-China
  3. Enhanced metal smelter performance by optimising slag/refractory chemistry, 2017 – 2020 (participate until 2018), Sponsor: Aurubis, BHP Billiton, RHI, Umicore
  4. Cu consortium / ARC Linkage Research Program – Stage 2 (LP160101509): Sustainable copper metallurgy and recycling – saving energy and resources, 2017 – 2020 (participate until 2018), Sponsor: Atlantic Copper, Aurubis, BHP Billiton, Kazzinc, Nyrstar, Outotec, PASAR, Pt Anglo-American, Umicore, Rio Tinto-Kennecot, Boliden, Penoles
  5. Analysis of lead slag chemistry for Penoles – 2018, Sponsor: Penoles, Mexico
  6. Thermochemistry of Cu processing 2015 – 2018, Sponsor: Aurubis, Germany
  7. Thermochemistry of Pb smelting – 2018, Sponsor: Nyrstar, Australia
  8. Analysis of Mount Isa Pb smelter slag, 2017, Sponsor: Mt Isa Mines – Glencore, Australia
  9. Analysis of industrial slag samples from Saganoseki smelter, 2016 & 2017, Sponsor: Pan Pacific Copper, Japan
  10. Pb consortium / ARC Linkage Research Program (LP150100783): Integrated thermodynamic modelling and fundamental experimental research to support the optimisation and development of comple lead smelting, refining and recycling, 2015 – 2018, Sponsor: Aurubis, Boliden, Kazzinc, Nyrstar, Outotec, Umicore
  11. Cu consortium / ARC Linkage Research Program – Stage 1 (LP140100480): Partitioning of minor elements between Copper slag/matte/metal, 2014 – 2017, Sponsor: Altonorte, Atlantic Copper, Aurubis, BHP Billiton, Kazzinc, Nyrstar, Outotec, PASAR, Pt Anglo-American, Umicore
  12. Research on effect of MnO on phase equilibria of the Pb reduction slag : Preliminary experimental analysis of industrial slags liquidus, 2016, Sponsor: Brunswick smelter – Glencore, Canada
  13. Thermochemistry of Cu & Pb processing – 2015 & 2016, Sponsor: Kazzinc – Glencore, Kazakhstan
  14. Effect of CaO on As slag / matte partitioning in Ni converter, 2016, Sponsor: BHP Billiton, Australia
  15. Preliminary experimental analysis of industrial slags liquidus, 2016, Sponsor: First Quantum Mineral, Zambia
  16. Optimisation of thermochemistry of the Koniambo Ni laterite smelting, 2015, Sponsor: Koniambo, Glencore, Noumea
  17. Development of e.m.f. measurement method with solid-state galvanic cells, 2015, International collaboration with Aalto University, Finlandia
  18. Thermochemistry of FSFE slag, 2014 – 2015, Sponsor: PASAR – Glencore, Filipina


  1. Sineva, S.Chen, J.Hidayat, T., …Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Experimental investigation of slag/matte/metal/tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system at 1473 K (1200°C), 1523 K (1250°C) and 1573 K (1300°C). International Journal of Materials Research2021111(5)pp. 365–372
  2. Hidayat, T.Chen, J.Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Distributions of As, Pb, Sn and Zn as minor elements between iron silicate slag and copper in equilibrium with tridymite in the Cu-Fe-O-Si system. International Journal of Materials Research2021112(3)pp. 178–188
  3. Sineva, S.Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T.Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Experimental Study of the Individual Effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO on Gas/Slag/Matte/Spinel Equilibria in Cu-Fe-O-S-Si-Al-Ca-Mg System at 1473 K (1200 °C) and p(SO2) = 0.25 atm.
    Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion202041(6)pp. 859–869
  4. Zulhan, Z.Fauzian, I.M.Hidayat, T. Ferro-silico-manganese production from manganese ore and copper smelting slag. Journal of Materials Research and Technology20209(6)pp. 13625–13634
  5. Sineva, S.Shevchenko, M.Shishin, D., …Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Phase Equilibria and Minor Element Distributions in Complex Copper/Slag/Matte Systems. JOM202072(10)pp. 3401–3409
  6. Shishin, D.Hidayat, T.Sultana, U.K.Shevchenko, M.Jak, E. Experimental measurement and thermodynamic model predictions of the distributions of Cu, As, Sb and Sn between liquid lead and PbO–FeO–Fe2O3–SiO2 slag. International Journal of Materials Research2020111(9)pp. 733–743
  7. Sineva, S.Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T., …Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Experimental Investigation of Gas/Slag/Matte/Tridymite Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si-Al-Ca-Mg System in Controlled Gas Atmosphere: Experimental Results at 1473 K (1200 °C), 1573 K (1300 °C) and p(SO2) = 0.25 atm. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion202041(3)pp. 243–256
  8. Hidayat, T.Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. The Influence of Temperature on the Gas/Slag/Matte/Spinel Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System at Fixed P(SO2) = 0.25 atm. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science202051(3)pp. 963–972
  9. Sineva, S.Chen, J.Hidayat, T., …Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Experimental investigation of slag/matte/metal/ tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system at 1 473 K (1200°C), 1 523 K (1250 °C) and 1573 K (1300 °C). International Journal of Materials Research2020111(5)pp. 365–372
  10. Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T.Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. The effect of Al2O3 on fayalite-based copper smelting slags in equilibrium with matte and tridymite at 12008C and P(SO2) = 0.25 atm. International Journal of Materials Research2020111(4)pp. 283–289
  11. Shishin, D.Hidayat, T.Sultana, U.Shevchenko, M.Jak, E. Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Calculations of the Distribution of Ag, Au, Bi, and Zn Between Pb Metal and Pb–Fe–O–Si slag. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy20206(1)pp. 68–77
  12. Shishin, D.Hidayat, T.Jak, E. Thermodynamic assessment of the CaO–Cu2O–FeO–Fe2O3 system. Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry202068101715
  13. Abdeyazdan, H.Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T., …Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. Experimental Study of Gas-Slag-Matte-Tridymite Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si-Al System at 1573 K (1300 °C) and P(SO2) = 0.25 atm. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion202041(1)pp. 66–78
  14. Abdeyazdan, H.Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T., …Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. The Effect of MgO on Gas–Slag–Matte–Tridymite Equilibria in Fayalite-Based Copper Smelting Slags at 1473 K (1200 °C) and 1573 K (1300 °C), and P(SO2) = 0.25 atm. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion202041(1)pp. 44–55
  15. Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T.Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. The effect of sulfur dioxide partial pressure on gas-slag-matte-tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system at 1200°C.Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy2020pp. 1–8
  16. Fallah-Mehrjardi, A.Hidayat, T.Hayes, P.C.Jak, E. The influence of temperature and matte grade on gas-slag-matte-tridymite equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system at p (SO2) = 0.25 atm. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy2020pp. 1–8
  17. Jak, E.Shevchenko, M.Shishin, D.Hidayat, T.Hayes, P.C. Characterization of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics with Integrated Experimental and Modelling Approach for Complex Lead Primary and Recycling Processing. Minerals, Metals and Materials Series2020pp. 337–349
  18. Shishin, D.Chen, J.Hidayat, T.Jak, E.Thermodynamic Modeling of the Pb-As and Cu-Pb-As Systems Supported by Experimental Study. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion201940(6)pp. 758–767
  19. D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, J. Chen, P.C. Hayes, & E. Jak, “Integrated experimental study and thermodynamic modelling of the distribution of arsenic between phases in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system”. J. Chem. Thermodyn., 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jct.2019.02.029
  20. T.Hidayat, J.Chen, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Distributions of Ag, Bi, and Sb as Minor Elements between Iron-Silicate Slag and Copper in Equilibrium with Tridymite in the Cu-Fe-O-Si System at T = 1250 °C and 1300 °C (1523 K and 1573 K)”, Metall Mater Trans B, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-018-1448-8
  21. E.Jak, T.Hidayat, D.Shishin, P.J.Mackey, P.C.Hayes, “Modelling of liquid phases and metal distributions in copper converters: transferring process fundamentals to plant practice”, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, 2018, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/25726641.2018.1506273
  22. T.Hidayat, A.Fallah-Mehrjardi, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Experimental investigation of gas/slag/matte/spinel equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system at 1473 K (1200 °C) and P(SO2) = 0.25 atm”, Metall Mater Trans B, 49, 2018, pp. 1750-1765. doi:10.1007/s11663-018-1262-3
  23. T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Phase equilibria in the ZnO-“FeO”-SiO2 system in reducing atmosphere and in the ZnO-“FeO”-SiO2-“Cu2O” system in equilibrium with liquid copper metal at 1250 °C (1523 K)”, Metall Mater Trans B, 4, 2018, pp. 1766-1780. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11663-018-1285-9
  24. A.Fallah-Mehrjardi, T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Experimental Investigation of Gas/Slag/Matte/Tridymite Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System in Controlled Gas Atmosphere: Experimental Results at 1523 K (1250 °C) and P(SO2) = 0.25 atm”. Metall Mater Trans B, 49, 2018, pp. 1732-1739. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11663-018-1260-5
  25. T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak (2018), “Experimental investigation of gas/matte/spinel equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S system at 1473 K (1200 degrees C) and P(SO2)=0.25 atm”. Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 39, 2018, pp. 138-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11669-018-0616-5
  26. T.Hidayat, D.Shishin, D.Grimsey, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “The Integration of Plant Sample Analysis, Laboratory Studies and Thermodynamic Modelling to Predict Slag-Matte Equilibria in Nickel Sulfide Converting “, Metall Mater Trans B, Accepted for publication in July 2017.
  27. A.Fallah-Mehrjardi, T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Experimental Investigation of Gas/Slag/Matte/Tridymite Equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System in Controlled Gas Atmospheres: Experimental Results at T=1473 K [1200 ˚C] and P(SO2)=0.25 atm”, Metall Mater Trans B, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11663-017-1076-8
  28. A.Fallah-Mehrjardi, T.Hidayat, P.C.Hayes, and E.Jak, “Experimental Investigation of Slag/Matte/Tridymite Equilibrium in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System at Controlled Gas Atmosphere: Development of Technique “, Metall Mater Trans B, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11663-017-1073-y
  29. T.Hidayat, D.Shishin, S.Decterov, and E.Jak, “Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of the Cu–Fe–O–Si system”, Calphad, 58, 2017, pp. 101-114
  30. T.Hidayat, D.Shishin, S.Decterov, and E.Jak, “Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Re-optimization of the FeO–Fe2O3–SiO2 System”, Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 38, pp. 477-492
  31. T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S. Decterov, and E. Jak, ” Critical thermodynamic re-evaluation and re-optimization of the CaO–FeO–Fe2O3–SiO2 system “, Calphad, 56, 2017, pp. 58-71
  32. T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S. Decterov, and E. Jak, “Thermodynamic Optimization of the Ca-Fe-O System”, Metall Mater Trans B, 47(1), 2016, pp. 256-281
  33. M. Aspiala, T. Hidayat, P. Taskinen, and E. Jak, “Determination of thermodynamic properties of Ca4Fe9O17 by solid state EMF method”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 658, 2016, pp. 939-945
  34. T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, E. Jak, and S. Decterov, “Thermodynamic reevaluation of the Fe–O system”, Journal of Calphad, Vol. 48, 2015, pp. 131-144
  35. T.Hidayat and E.Jak, “Thermodynamic modelling of the “Cu2O”-SiO2, “Cu2O”-CaO, and “Cu2O”-CaO-SiO2 systems in equilibrium with metallic copper”, International Journal of Materials Research (formerly: Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde), Vol. 105, 2014, pp. 249–257.
  36. D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, E. Jak, and S. Decterov, “Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of Cu-Fe-O system”, Calphad, Vol. 41, pp.160-179, 2013
  37. T. Hidayat, H.M. Henao, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, “Phase Equilibria Studies of Cu-O-Si Systems in Equilibrium with Air and with Metallic Copper, and Cu-Me-O-Si Systems (Me = Ca, Mg, Al, and Fe) in Equilibrium with Metallic Copper”, Metall. Met Trans B, 2012 , vol.43 (6), pp. 1290-1299.
  38. T. Hidayat, H.M. Henao, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, “Phase Equilibria Studies of the Cu-Fe-O-Si System in Equilibrium with Air and with Metallic Copper”, Met Trans 2012, v43B, pp. 1034-1045.
  39. T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, “Experimental Study of Ferrous Calcium Silicate Slags: Phase Equilibria at PO2 between 10-8 atm and 10-9 atm”, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, Vol. 43B, Feb 2012, pp. 27-38.
  40. T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, “Experimental Study of Ferrous Calcium Silicate Slags: Phase Equilibria at PO2 between 10-5 atm and 10-7 atm”, Vol. 43B, Feb 2012, pp. 14-26.
  41. T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, “Experimental Study of Ferrous Calcium Silicate Slags: Phase Equilibria at PO2 between 10-5 atm and 10-7 atm”, Vol. 43B, Feb 2012, pp. 14-26.
  42. T. Hidayat, M. A. Rhamdhani, E. Jak and P. C. Hayes, On the Relationships between the Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Gaseous Hydrogen Reduction of Solid NiO, Met.Trans B, v.40B, Aug 2009, pp. 474-489.
  43. T. Hidayat, M. A. Rhamdhani, E. Jak, P. C. Hayes, Investigation of Nickel Product Structures developed during the Gaseous Reduction of Solid NiO, Metall.Trans B, Vol. 40B, 2009, pp. 462-473.
  44. M.A. Rhamdhani, T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, , E. Jak, “Sub-solidus phase equilibria of Fe-Ni-X-O (X = Mg, Al) systems in air”, Metall Trans B, Vol. 40B, Feb 2009, pp. 25-38
  45. T. Hidayat, M. A. Rhamdhani, E. Jak, and PC Hayes, “The Kinetics of Reduction of Dense Synthetic Nickel Oxide in H2-N2 and H2-H2O Atmospheres”, Metall Trans B, Vol. 40B, Feb 2009, pp. 1-16.
  46. T. Hidayat, M.A. Rhamdhani, E. Jak, and P.C. Hayes, “The characterization of nickel metal pore structures and the measurement of intrinsic reaction rate during the reduction of nickel oxide in H2-N2 and H2-H2O atmospheres”, Minerals Engineering, Vol.21, 2008, pp. 157-166.


  1. T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, “Microanalysis and Experimental Techniques for the Determination of Multicomponent Phase Equilibria for Non-Ferrous Smelting and Recycling Systems”, presented in Peter Hayes Symposium on Pyrometallurgical Processing, Ottawa, Canada, 2018.
  2. W.Watt, T. Hidayat, D.Shishin, and E. Jak, “Advanced Thermochemical Fundamental and Applied Research to Improve the Integrity of the Steel Water Jacketed Furnace at Port Pirie”, presented in 7th International Symposium on Advances in Sulfide Smelting, Ottawa, Canada, 2018.
  3. T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, D. Grimsey, P.C. Hayes, E. Jak, “Effect of CaO on the Slag–Matte Thermochemistry in a Nickel Sulfide Converter”, COM 2017 – 56th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
  4. J. Chen, T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, G. O’Connell, F. Letarte, P.C. Hayes, E. Jak, “Experimental and Modelling Research of Slag Properties in Nickel Laterite Smelting”, COM 2017 – 56th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
  5. T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S.A. Decterov, E. Jak, “High-temperature experimental and thermodynamic modelling research on the pyrometallurgical processing of copper”, Proceedings of the 1st International Process Metallurgy Conference, Bandung, Indonesia, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4974425
  6. T. Hidayat, A.F. Mehrjardi, P.C. Hayes, E. Jak, “Experimental Study of Metal-Slag and Matte-Slag Equilibria in Controlled Gas Atmospheres”. (2016). Copper 2016, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
  7. D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, E. Jak, S.A. Decterov, G.V. Belov “Thermodynamic database for pyrometallurgical copper extraction”, Copper 2016, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
  8. E. Jak, S. Nicol, T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, P.C. Hayes, “The potential for energy savings, increased productivity and recovery in copper smelting, converting and recycling through implementation of experimental and thermodynamic modelling research”, Copper 2016, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
  9. E. Jak, S. Nicol, T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, A.F. Mehrjardi, J. Chen, P.C. Hayes, “Integrated experimental phase equilibria and thermodynamic modelling studies for copper pyrometallurgy”, Copper 2016, Kobe, Japan, 2016.
  10. T. Hidayat, A.F. Mehrjardi, P.C. Hayes, E. Jak, “Experimental Study of Gas/Slag/Matte/Spinel Equilibria and Minor Elements Partitioning in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si System”, Advances in Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts 2016, Seattle, USA, 2016.
  11. M.A. Shevchenko, T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, E. Jak, “Experimental Study of Liquidus of the “FeO”-SiO2-PbO Slags in Equilibrium with Air and with Metallic Lead”, Advances in Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts 2016, Seattle, USA, 2016.
  12. E. Jak, T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, A.F. Mehrjardi, J. Chen, S. Decterov, P.C. Hayes, “Integrated Experimental and Modelling Research for Non-Ferrous Smelting and Recycling Systems”, Advances in Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts 2016, Seattle, USA, 2016.
  13. D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, E. Jak, “Thermodynamic modelling of liquid slag-matte-metal equilibria applied to the simulation of the Peirce-Smith converter”, Advances in Molten Slags, Fluxes, and Salts: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts 2016, Seattle, USA, 2016.
  14. E. Jak, T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, P.C. Hayes, “Recent advances in research for non-ferrous smelting and recycling”, Proceed. European Metallurgical Conference 2015, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2015.
  15. T.Hidayat, D.Shishin, S.Decterov, P.Hayes and E.Jak, “Integrated Experimental And Modelling Research on Copper-Making Slags”, Conference of Metallurgists, Canadian Institute of Metallurgy, Bill Davenport Honorary Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
  16. T.Hidayat, D.Shishin and S.A. Decterov, E. Jak, “A thermodynamic optimization of the “Cu2O”-containing slag system and its applications in high-temperature copper making processes, Copper Int.Con., Copper 13, The Nickolas Themelis Symposium On Copper Pyrometallurgy And Process Engineering, Santiago, Chile, 2013.
  17. Z.Sun, T.Hidayat, P.C. Hayes, E.Jak, “Liquidus temperatures, major and minor elements equilibrium partitioning in copper smelting slag/matte/gas systems”, Copper Int.Con., Copper 13, The Nickolas Themelis Symposium On Copper Pyrometallurgy And Process Engineering, Chile, 2013.
  18. T. Hidayat and E. Jak, “A thermodynamic optimization of “Cu2O”-containing slags systems”, MOLTEN 12, The 9th int. conf. on molten slags, fluxes and salts, Beijing, China, 2012.
  19. Hayes P.C., Hidayat T. and Jak E. “Product morphologies and reaction mechanisms on gaseous reduction of metal oxides”, Seetharaman Honarary Symp., Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
  20. T. Hidayat, H.M. Henao, P.C. Hayes, and E. Jak, ”Experimental study of phase equilibria of silicate slag systems”, 7th International Copper-Cobre Conference 2010, Pyrometallurgy I, Vol 2, Ed Harre J, GDMB, Hamburg Germany, 2010.
  21. T. Hidayat, M.A. Rhamdhani, E. Jak, and P.C. Hayes, “Mechanisms and kinetics of nickel oxide reduction in hydrogen and implications for industrial practice”, Intl. Symp. Pyrometallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt 2009, Ed Liu J et al., Met Soc CIM., Sudbury, Canada, 2009.
  22. M.A. Rhamdhani, J. Chen, T. Hidayat, E. Jak, P.C. Hayes. “Advances in research on nickel production through the Caron process, EMC, 2009.
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Version: August, 2019