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Syoni Soepriyanto

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Prof. Ir. Syoni Soepriyanto, M.Sc., Ph.D.
NIP: 195203181976031001
Head of Solid Oxide Systems Laboratory
Head of Metallurgical Engineering Research Group

Google Scholar



Tel : +62 2502239, 2508131
Fax : +62 2504209
Emai : syonis@mining.itb.ac.id ; syonis2@gmail.com



  • Ir in Metallurgical Engineering – Institute of Technology Bandung (1977)
  • M.Sc in Process Metallurgy – The University of Utah, USA (1986)
  • Ph.D in Metallurgy and Material Science – The University of Utah, USA (1991)



  • Transport Phenomena
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Physical Metallurgy
  • Metal Forming & Shaping
  • Theory of Sintering
  • Fuel, Furnaces, and Refractory
  • Defect Oxides Ceramics
  • Metallurgical Failure Analysis
  • Pipeline Risk & Integrity



  • Physical Metallurgy & Ceramics
  • High Temperature Processes
  • Synthesis of New Materials
  • Defect & Ionic Transport in Ceramics
  • Failure Analysis & Risk Assessment
  • Coal Handling & Transportation System
  • Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer Operation



  • Association of Indonesian Mining Professional (PERHAPI)
  • Indonesian Corrosion Association (Indocor)
  • IEEE – Microwave, Indonesia Section
  • Material Society of Indonesia (MMI)
  • Ceramic Research Group – ITB
  • Pipeline Integrity Research (PIR) Group – ITB



  • S. Soepriyanto and A.A. Korda, “Maintaining and Enhancing Pipeline Integrity”, to be presented at Asia – Oil & Gas Conference, 2007.
  • S. Soepriyanto, W. Martoyo., A. Affan., “Creep Resistance of Stainless-steel for Boiler Power-plant Application”, ITB Research Program; LPPM-ITB; Bandung, 2006.
  • S. Soepriyanto, and Taufiq, H., “Synthesisi of Nanocrystallite Zirconia from By Product of Tin Processing”, International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Science, ITB-Bandung, 2006.
  • S.Soepriyanto, at.al., Assestment and Recommendation of Gas Pipeline Rehabilitation for Porong Gas Distribution, PT. Pertamina, 2006.
  • S. Soepriyanto, W. Martoyo., T. Hidayat, R. Widiyanto. : “Processing of Zircon Opacifier to Zirconia for Advanced Materials”, ITB Research Program; LPPM-ITB; Bandung, 2005.
  • S. Soepriyanto, Ahmad Taufik, Markus K. Umboh : “Predictive Modeling of Pipeline Wall Thickness During Slurry Transportation System”, Proceedings International MAPREC 2005 ‘Maintenance & Production Reliability Conference’, Jakarta, 10-12 May 2005.
  • S. Soepriyanto, AA Korda, T Hidayat : “Development of Zircon Base Industrial Product From Zircon-Sand Concentrate of Bangka Tin Processing”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Earth Science and Technology – Fukuoka, Japan, December 2005.
  • M Akbar Ramdhani, S. Soepriyanto, Aditianto R., Bambang A. : “Determination of Sintering Mechanism and Grain Growth Kinetics of MgO-DOPED Al2O3”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol XII No. 3 Tahun 2005.
  • S. Soepriyanto, M. Umboh, A Korda : “Slurry Pipeline Technology : System Transport Parameters”, Indonesian Pipeline Technology-2004, Conference and Exhibition Proceeding, Bandung, January 27-28, 2004.
  • Setiawan, Sobandi, S. Soepriyanto : “Production of Ultra Low Sulfur Steel Slab at PT. Krakatau Steel for API5L-X Sour-Gas Pipeline Material”, Indonesian Pipeline Technology 2004 Conference and Exhibition Proceeding. Aula Barat ITB, Bandung, January 27-28, 2004, Bandung.
  • S. Soepriyanto: “Modeling and Simulation of Shrinkage Geometry During Sintering : Multipartikel dan Multicomponen System”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol XI No. 3, 2004.
  • S. Soepriyanto, Z Zulham, EA Basuki, S Purwadaria, W. Martoyo, AA Korda, P Cahyono, A Sobndi, Muchtar, M Hidayat : “Optimization on Liquid Steel Desulfurization in the Ladle-Furnace”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol. X No. 2, 2003.
  • S. Soepriyanto, D. Ihsanudin, M. Arma, W. Martoyo : “Zircon-Glaze Characteristic using Zircon Concentrate from By Product of Bangka Tin Ore Concentration,”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol X No. 1 Tahun 2003.
  • Akhyar, A. Taufik J., S. Soepriyanto: “Simulation on Fatigue Crack Propagation of AISI 1045 Axle under Flexural Dynamic Load with Constant Stress Amplitude”, Jurnal Teknik Mesin. Vol. XVII No. 1, Maret 2002.
  • T. Darijanto, A.D. Titisari, S. Soepriyanto, and Syafrizal : “Substitution Brexi Flystone on Ceramic Raw Material and its Effect on Mineral Phases Formation”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol. IX No.3 Tahun 2002.
  • S. Soepriyanto, M. Jinan S., E. Septe, K. Herlambang : “Rate Analysis of Elektroless Nickel Plating on Aluminum-2024 Alloy using Hipofosfit Reductor and its Heat-treatment”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, Vol.VII No.4 Tahun 2000.
  • A. A. Korda, S. Soepriyanto, H. Hasyim., W. Martoyo. : “Effect of Process Parameter on Increasing Formability of Ti-containing Interstitial Free Steel”, KS-Review, Volume IV No.2 January,Cilegon.
  • S. Soepriyanto: “Potential Resources and Problems for Mineral Industry and its Utilization in Indonesia”, Proceedings of HEDS-SST 1999, Batam 23-25 February 2000, Jakarta.
  • S. Soepriyanto : “Increasing Added-value and Competitiveness of Indonesia Industrial Minerals as a Fullfilment of Market Demand Specification (Keynotes)”, Industrial Minerals Qoloqium, MTRDC – DJPU, Bandung, 16 March 1999.
  • S. Soepriyanto, D.Risanti, R.Pratjihno: “Dielectric Ceramic Bandpass-filters For Microwave Application”, Third Workshop On Electro-Communication and Information, IECI – Department of Electrical Engineering ITB, March 3-4, 1999; Bandung.
  • S. Soepriyanto and W.Martoyo, “Structure Interelation on BaO-TiO2 System in Sintering Systhesis of BaxTi4xO10x Materials at Temperature above 1400 OC”, Higher Education Basic Research, Directorate of Higher Education, 1998-1999.
  • S. Soepriyanto and R. Kohar, Corrosion simulation on heat-treated 304 stainless-steel weldment, Proceeding of The Asia-Pacific Corrosion Conference, Denpasar-Bali, October 1997.
  • S. Soepriyanto dan B. Setiawan, “Characteristic Assessment on Cold-rolled Coil Steel Formability for Enamel dan Otomotive Aplication”, Iron & Steel Symposium; 1996, ITB, Bandung.
  • S. Soepriyanto, D.Lumanauw, dan J. Swandajani, “Linier Shrinkage Analysis on Sintering Product”, Jurnal Teknologi Mineral, vol. 2, no.2, 1995.
  • S. Soepriyanto, K. Herlambang., H.K. Sudjono, “Fabrication of Mg-Zn-Magnetite Ferrite with Rare Earth Oxides Doped for Microwave Telecommunication Application”, National Research Grant – II / Ministry of Research & Technology, RI ; 1994-1997 ; Jakarta.



  1. Fabrication of Various Metal/Ceramics Components
  2. Feasibility Study on Coal-fired Power-plant for Electric Generation
  3. Feasibility Study on the Development of by Product Minerals of Tin.
  4. Development of Zircon Product from Zircon-Sand Concentrate Processing and the Synthesis of Nano-crystallite Zirconia.
  5. Synthesis and ionic-conductance of various REO-doped YSZ for catalyst and Fuel-cells.
  6. Modeling and Visualization of Tailing Transport & Deposition at ModADA Toward Mine Closure.
  7. Analysis of Metallurgical Failure
  8. Pipeline Integrity and Risk Analysis for Oil/Gas Distribution System.
  9. Iron Sand Reduction for Pig Iron Production and Titano Slag Treatment.
  10. Feasibility Study on Coal Handling & Transportation System.



  1. Treatment of Titano Iron-sand Slag, Research Design, 2007-2008.
  2. Synthesis of zirconia doped nanoparticle for ionic conductance, Research Design, 2006-2009.
  3. Recommendation and Rehabilitation of Porong Gas Distribution Pipeline, Pipeline Integrity Research Group – ITB, 2006-2007.
  4. Integrated Coal Transportation System, 2006-2007
  5. Research and Training Development for Tin Industry, 2002-2006.
  6. Law & Regulation for Mining Industries, 2001-2004.
  7. Iron & Steel Making, Training – R & D, 2000-2003.
  8. Dwang-rail Analysis & Design, Bridges Coating Standard for Railways 2001-2002
  9. Tailing Transport & Deposition – Environmental Program, 1999-2006.
  10. Ceramics Device for Microwave Telecommunication, R & D Technical Advisor, 1992-1998.
  11. Military Product Development, Technical Assistance, 1994-1996.
  12. Coal Briquetting Project, Technical Advisory, 1992-1995.

Version: September 2007.