Forum Group Discussion on The Development of The Metallurgical Profession
Saturday, 13 April 2019 at Labtek IVa Building, Metallurgical Engineering Study Program along with the Advisory Board, Metallurgical Engineering Alumni Association (IA-MET), and Metallurgical Student Association (IMMG) conducted a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) on the development of the metallurgical profession. This activity was attended by Mr. Dr. -Ing. Zulfiadi Zulhan as Chair of the Metallurgical Engineering Study Program, Mr. Ir. Bambang Anggoro Wahyono, MM as a member of the Metallurgical Engineering Study Program Advisory Board, Mr. Bouman Tiroi, ST., MT., IPU as IA-MET chairman accompanied by several IA-MET administrators, and representatives from student associations.

FGD on The Development of The Metallurgical Profession
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