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S3 Curriculum

Doctoral Curriculum

The 2019 curriculum for the Geophysics Engineering Doctoral Study Program consists of 42 credits with a maximum load of 12 credits per semester which is carried out for 6 semesters, with the following details:

Compulsory Courses : 36 SKS

SemesterKode MatakuliahSKS
ITG7000Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan2
ITG7004Metodologi Penelitian3
IITG7020Penyusunan Proposal3
IITG7090Ujian Persiapan3
IIITG8001Penelitian dan Laporan Kemajuan I5
IVTG8002Penelitian dan Laporan Kemajuan II5
VTG8003Penelitian dan Laporan Kemajuan III6
VITG8004Penelitian dan Laporan Kemajuan IV6
VITG9090Ujian Disertasi (Ujian Tertutup)3

Elective courses : 6 SKS

ITG7021Analisa Ketidakpastian dalam Geosains3
ITG7022Teknologi Pencitraan Reservoir3
IITG7023Pemodelan Inversi Geofisika3
IITG7005Teknologi dan Sains dalam Geofisika3