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Doctoral Education Objectives S3

Indonesian National Qualifications Framework(KKNI)

In accordance with the national standards of higher education in Indonesia, every graduate of the applied geophysical engineering doctoral program is expected to be able to have the following skills:

  1. Be able to develop science, technology, or/and art in their field of expertise or profession through research; produce innovative and reputable creations.
  2. Able to solve problems in science, technology or/and art in their scientific fields through inter, multi and transdisciplinary approaches.
  3. Able to organize, lead, and foster research and development that is beneficial to science and beneficial to human civilization and obtain national and international recognition.


The aim of education in the Geophysics Engineering Study Program is to produce graduates in the field of Geophysics who have graduate competencies as follows:

  1. Ability to apply geophysical science and technology
  2. Ability to develop and enrich scientific concepts.
  3. Ability to make new discoveries and important contributions in the field of geophysics.
  4. Ability to disseminate and communicate geophysical science and technology to the public