WISPRIL 2017, Presentation of HIMA TG “TERRA” for Graduates
Bandung – The moment of graduating from college is definitely an unforgettable moment for most people. This includes students from the ITB Geophysical Engineering study program who are members of the ITB Geophysical Engineering Student Association (HIMA TG “TERRA” ITB). Like previous graduation celebrations, TERRA as the ITB Geophysical Engineering professional association certainly does not want to miss out on providing sweet memories for the graduates at the end of their student degree. One of the events held was a graduation celebration (Wisnight) on Thursday (30/03/17).
This tour night event opened a series of activities celebrating the April graduation of the ITB Geophysical Engineering student association. Open gate The activity which was held in the basementof the East CC building started at 18.00 WIB. “The April TERRA 2017 graduation concept is relatively the same as what has been done before, including a graduation ceremony, afternoon procession and graduation day. In general, the difference only lies in the theme chosen, where the current theme is Maui.” said Randy, chairman of TERRA’s April Graduation Ceremony.
A day later, Friday (31/03/17), the agenda item held was is an afternoon procession in which graduates who are members of the ITB Geophysical Engineering Student Association are paraded by the crowd and then ended with gathering around the DPR area to listen to orations from graduates and sing the hymn TERRA together.
The highlight of the event, Saturday (01/04/17) was the day of the open session to confirm the graduates’ bachelor’s degrees. This open session was held at the Sasana Budaya Ganesha Building (Sabuga). The graduation activities on that day also served as the closing of the series of April graduation celebrations for the ITB Geophysical Engineering Student Association. After the assembly activities, the graduates were gathered in Saraga and then paraded around the ITB Ganesha campus in turns with other groups. When the procession took place, the family group accompanying the graduates was taken to the Study Program building to take part in other events that had been prepared by the April TERRA 2017 Graduation Committee.
“On the day of the graduation ceremony, the activities carried out include a graduation parade, procession, performance and sending off graduates.” said Febriani, the person in charge of the 2017 TERRA April Graduation Ceremony. “My hope is that the graduates will become successful people in their fields, always share and serve the community and not forget their beloved association.” he concluded.
Randy as chief executive also expressed the same thing. “My hope is that the graduates can immediately find work, and when they are successful, I have high hopes that they will not forget this association (TERRA).” he stressed.
*Photo documentation by Khairul Akbar Rusli (ITB Geophysical Engineering ’13)