Geophysics Engineering Study Program Participates in the 2021 MBKM Program
The Independent Learning and Independent Campus Program (MBKM) is a program that aims to provide and encourage students to master various disciplines. This process is based on a collaborative attitude and spirit and problem solving by stakeholders in higher education. MBKM’s activities are in line with ITB’s 2020-2025 Renip which aims to build creative collaborations from various scientific disciplines, both at ITB and with other parties.
At the policy level, the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus program at ITB has been encouraged by the ratification of the Implementation Norms for the Independent Learning Campus Program at the Bandung Institute of Technology by the ITB Academic Senate through SA regulation Number 02/IT1.SA/PER/2020. These implementation norms are derived from various implementation strategies such as in the fields of education and industrial cooperation. One of the goals to be achieved is the presence of a real-world learning environment (real-world learning environment) involving ITB students and lecturers, elements of local universities, and elements of companies/social organizations and regional government.
ITB believes that ITB’s involvement in the MBKM program can improve and support ITB’s tridharma activities to be more optimal and reach various levels. In addition, the alignment between the MBKM and Renip programs and ITB’s Strategic Plan can accelerate ITB’s transformation efforts by 2025, namely becoming a transdisciplinary university that is globally respected and locally relevant.
In the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka program for the 2021 budget year, ITB is proposing five excellent study programs as the main program of MBKM activities at ITB, namely the Informatics Study Program of the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics ITB (Strengthening Ecosystems Software Industry and Its Use for Society), Geophysical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB (Geoscience Learning Appropriately for the Development of Environmentally Friendly Energy Technology and Earth Disaster Mitigation), Chemical Engineering Study Program Faculty of Industrial Technology ITB (Collaborative Learning Program to Improve Multidisciplinary Industrial Cooperation and International Atmosphere in Academic and Student Activities), Architecture Study Program School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development ITB (Project Based Learning: Architecture for a Livable City Appropriate Technology for Resilience and Sustainability of Urban Settlement), and the ITB School of Business and Management Entrepreneurship Study Program (Independence Learns Merdeka Campus: Technopreneurship program).
The Geophysics Engineering Bachelor Program is one of the study programs within the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) ITB which is accredited nationally by BAN-PT with an A predicate and internationally by ASIIN. This study program develops geophysical science and technology, which is part of earth science. Studies in geophysical engineering are based on the principles of physics, mathematics, and are supported by instrumentation and computers for the exploration of earth’s resources, such as oil & natural gas, minerals, geothermal, ground water, geotechnical and environmental disaster mitigation. The approach is engineering which is oriented towards improving the quality of human life. The branches of science in geophysics include the fields of seismology, geodynamics, gravity, geoelectricity, geomagnetism, geoelectromagnetism and geothermal. Based on the spatial scale, studies can be grouped into global geophysics, applied geophysics and seismic exploration and engineering.
The ITB Geophysical Engineering study program has carried out a lot of collaboration, both in community service, education and research. The track record of the ITB Geophysics Engineering study program in the last five years in managing funds, research, and educational collaboration with several government agencies and industry. This is strong capital for the ITB Geophysical Engineering Study Program to play a role and contribute to the 2021 MBKM Program.
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