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Inauguration of Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha as President of HAGI 2018-2020

Inauguration of Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha as President of HAGI 2018-2020

Inauguration of Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha as President of HAGI 2018-2020

HAGI as a professional association in the field of geophysics continues to strive to contribute to the progress of national development. HAGI’s contribution is certainly not only for oil and gas exploration and minerals, but also for disaster mitigation and environmental sustainability. 

As a dynamic and modern organization, changes in management are a common occurrence. Every two year period, HAGI’s management is refreshed. Refreshing the management of HAGI was carried out democratically in an honest, free and secret general election process.

The President of HAGI for the 2016-2018 period (Mrs. Rusalida Raguwanti) has carried out her mandate as President of HAGI very well. “Synergy in diversity” is the spirit that underlies the management of Mrs. Lida (Mrs. Rusalida Raguwanti’s nickname). During its two years of leadership, HAGI has had good cooperation with several government institutions such as BMKG and the PUPR Ministry. Apart from that, also with educational institutions such as Pertamina University.

In terms of organizational development, during the 2016-2018 period, at least three Regional Commissariats (Komwil) were formed, namely Komwil North Sulawesi, Komwil Pontianak and Komwil Houston (USA).  

2018 was an important year for HAGI. There are at least two important agendas for HAGI in 2018, the 43rd HAGI PIT and the inauguration of the 2018-2020 HAGI management. At the 43rd PIT HAGI event in Semarang City, HAGI proved itself as a dynamic and modern organization.  Helping the Annual Scientific Meeting (PIT) event is part of HAGI’s work to contribute to the progress and development of geoscience science in Indonesia. This event not only discusses geophysical science, but also other branches of earth science such as meteorology, oceanography, geology, geodesy and disaster mitigation.

The second agenda that is important for HAGI is the inauguration of the 2018-2020 HAGI President. Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha was the elected President of HAGI in the 2017 HAGI election in Malang. Dr Andri Dian Nugraha, who is also the Head of the ITB Geophysical Engineering Master’s Program, gives new hope to continue managing HAGI until 2020. 

In front of the 43rd PIT HAGI participants, Mrs. Rusalida handed over the HAGI flag as a symbol of the continuation of the HAGI leadership relay. There are many positive agendas that have been carried out by the 2016-2018 HAGI President and this positive agenda will continue to be continued by the 2018-2020 HAGI management. 

Good work Dr. Andre.