Publication 2009
International Journal
- Syah, Y.M., Hakim, E.H., Ghisalberti, E.L., Jayuska, A., Mujahidin, D., Achmad, S.A. ,A modified oligostilbenoid, diptoindonesin C, from Shorea pinanga Scheff, Natural Product Research 23 (7), pp. 591-594,2009.
- Syah, Y.M., Hakim, E.H., Achmad, S.A., Hanafi, M., Ghisalberti, E.L.,Isoprenylated flavanones and dihydrochalcones from Macaranga trichocarpa, Natural product communications, 4 (1), pp. 63-67,2009.
- Hussain, M., Baskoro, E.T., Slamin,On super edge-magic total labeling of banana trees,Utilitas Mathematica 79, pp. 243-251 ,2009
- Lummen, T.T.A., Strohm, C., Rakoto, H., Nugroho, A.A., Van Loosdrecht, P.H.M., High-field recovery of the undistorted triangular lattice in the frustrated metamagnet CuFeO2,Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 80 (1), art. no. 012406,2009.
- Nugroho, A.A., Risdiana, Mufti, N., Palstra, T.T.M., Watanabe, I., Tjia, M.O.,Changes of spin dynamics in multiferroic Tb1 – x Cax MnO3,Physica B: Condensed Matter, 404 (5-7), pp. 785-788,2009.
- Krohns, S., Lunkenheimer, P., Kant, Ch., Pronin, A.V., Brom, H.B., Nugroho, A.A., Diantoro, M., Loidl, A.,Colossal dielectric constant up to gigahertz at room temperature,Applied Physics Letters, 94 (12), art. no. 122903,2009.
- Blake, G.R., Nugroho, A.A., Gutmann, M.J., Palstra, T.T.M.,Competition between Jahn-Teller coupling and orbital fluctuations in HoVO3,Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 79 (4), art. no. 045101,2009.
- Kurniadewi, F., Juliawaty, L.D., Syah, Y.M., Achmad, S.A., Hakim, E.H., Koyama, K., Kinoshita, K., Takahashi, K.,Phenolic compounds from Cryptocarya konishii: their cytotoxic and tyrosine kinase inhibitory properties,Journal of Natural Medicines, pp. 1-5,2009.
- Juliawaty, L.D., Sahidin, Hakim, E.H., Achmad, S.A., Syah, Y.M., Latip, J., Said, I.M.,A 2-arylbenzofuran derivative from Hopea mengarawan,Natural product communications, 4 (7), pp. 947-950,2009.
- Musthapa, I., Latip, J., Takayama, H., Juliawaty, L.D., Hakim, E.H., Syah, Y.M.,Prenylated flavones from Artocarpus lanceifolius and their cytotoxic properties against P-388 cells,Natural product communications, 4 (7), pp. 927-930,2009.
- Musthapa, I., Juliawaty, L.D., Syah, Y.M., Hakim, E.H., Latip, J., Ghisalberti, E.L.,An oxepinoflavone from Artocarpus elasticus with cytotoxic activity against P-388 cells,Archives of Pharmacal Research, 32 (2), pp. 191-194,2009.
- Zen, F.P., Arianto, Gunara, B.E., Triyanta, Purwanto, A.,Cosmological Evolution of Interacting Dark Energy in Lorentz Violation,European Physical Journal, C 63 (3), pp. 477-490,2009
- Arianto, Zen, F.P., Gunara, B.E.,Modified gravitational equations on braneworld with Lorentz invariant violation,General Relativity and Gravitation, pp. 1-19,2009.
- Gunara, B.E., Zen, F.P.,Kahler-Ricci Flow, Morse Theory and Vacuum Structure Deformation of N=1 Supersymmetry in Four Dimension,Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 13 (1), pp. 217-257,2009.
- Sugiharto, S., Su’ud, Z., Kurniadi, R., Wibisono, W., Abidin, Z. ,Radiotracer method for residence time distribution study in multiphase flow system ,Applied Radiation and Isotopes 67 (7-8), pp. 1445-1448 ,2009
- Sakuma, T., Xianglian, Siagian, S., Basar, K., Takahashi, H., Igawa, N., Kamishima, O.,Correlation effects among thermal displacements of atoms in VSe by diffuse neutron scattering measurement,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, pp. 1-4,2009.
- Xianglian, Sakuma, T., Basar, K., Takahashi, H.,Oscillatory diffuse X-ray scattering from lead chalcogenides,Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, pp. 1-5,2009.
- Basar, K., Xianglian, Sakuma, T., Takahashi, H., Igawa, N.,Diffuse neutron scattering of KBr at room temperature and its application as background function in Rietveld analysis,ITB Journal of Science, 41 (1), pp. 50-58 ,2009
- Xiangliang, Siagian, S., Basar, K., Sakuma, T., Takahashi, H., Igawa, N., Ishii, Y.,Inter-atomic distance and temperature dependence of correlation effects among thermal displacements,Solid State Ionics 180 (6-8), pp. 480-482,2009.
- Basar, K., Siagian, S., Xianglian, Sakuma, T., Takahashi, H., Igawa, N.,Correlation effects among atomic thermal displacements in oscillatory diffuse neutron scattering of ZnSe,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 600 (1), pp. 237-239,2009.
- Abdullah, M., Astuti, Khairurrijal,Synthesis of luminescent ink from europium-doped y 2 O 3 dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol solution,Advances in OptoElectronics 2009, art. no. 918351.
- Gunara, B.E., Zen, F.P.,Erratum: Flat Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfeld domain walls on two-dimensional Kähler-Ricci soliton,Journal of Mathematical Physics 50 (10), art. no. 109901,2009.
- Gunara, B.E., Zen, F.P.,Flat Bogomolnyi-Prasad-Sommerfeld domain walls on two-dimensional Kähler-Ricci soliton,Journal of Mathematical Physics, 50 (6), art. no. 063514,2009.
- Gunara, B.E., Zen, F.P.,Deformation of curved BPS domain walls and supersymmetric flows on 2d Kähler-Ricci soliton,Communications in Mathematical Physics, 287 (3), pp. 849-866,2009.
- Ma, Y.W., Ding, J., Qi, D.C., Yi, J.B., Fan, H.M., Gong, H., Wee, A.T.S., Rusydi, A.,Room temperature ferromagnetism of ZnO nanocrystals in amorphous ZnO- Al2 O3 matrix,Applied Physics Letters, 95 (7), art. no. 072501,2009.
- Saichu, R.P., Mahns, I., Goos, A., Binder, S., May, P., Singer, S.G., Schulz, B., Rübhausen, M.,Two-component dynamics of the order parameter of high temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ superconductors revealed by time-resolved Raman scattering,Physical Review Letters, 102 (17), art. no. 177004,2009.
- Assiyatun, H., Duckworth, W.,Small maximal matchings of random cubic graphs,Journal of Graph Theory, 62 (4), pp. 293-323,2009.
- Hasmawati, Assiyatun, H., Baskoro, E.T., Salman, A.N.M.,Complete bipartite Ramsey numbers,Utilitas Mathematica 78, pp. 129-138,2009.
- Broersma, H.J., Fujisawa, J., Marchal, L., Paulusma, D., Salman, A.N.M., Yoshimoto, K.,λ-backbone colorings along pairwise disjoint stars and matchings,Discrete Mathematics, 309 (18), pp. 5596-5609,2009.
- van Groesen, E., Andonowati, She Liam, L., Lakhturov, I.,Accurate modelling of uni-directional surface waves,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2009.
- Sukirno, Bisri, S.Z., Irmelia,Electronic transport parameter of carbon nanotube metal-semiconductor on-tube heterojunction,ITB Journal of Science, 41 (1), pp. 15-37,2009.
- Tasman, H., Soewono, E., Sidarto, K.A., Syafruddin, D., Rogers, W.O.,A model for transmission of partial resistance to anti-malarial drugs,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 6 (3), pp. 649-661,2009.
- Supriatna, A.K., Serviana, H., Soewono, E.,A Mathematical Model to Investigate the Long-Term Effects of the Lymphatic Filariasis Medical Treatment in Jati Sampurna, West Java,ITB Journal of Science, 41 (1), pp. 1-14,2009.
- Su’ud, Z., Waris, A., Rida, S.N.M.,The Fission Products (FP) group constant treatment for long-life Pb-Bi-cooled fast power reactors,International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 4 (3), pp. 201-216,2009.
- Martín-Hernández, F., Cañon-Tapia, E., Mattei, M., Bijaksana, S.,Magnetic anisotropy different scales, different parameters, different stories?,Tectonophysics, 466 (1-2), pp. 1-2,2009.
- Astuti, P., Garnadi, A.D.,On eigenvalues and eigenvectors of perturbed pairwise comparison matrices,ITB Journal of Science, 41 A (2), pp. 69-77,2009.
- Gunawan, A.Y., Budhi, W.S.,Analysis of the string structure near break-up of a slender jet of an upper convected Maxwell liquid,ITB Journal of Science, 41 (1), pp. 59-67,2009.
- Vidilaseris, K., Hidayat, K., Retnoningrum, D.S., Nurachman, Z., Noer, A.S., Natalia, D.,Biochemical characterization of a raw starch degrading α-amylase from the Indonesian marine bacterium bacillus sp. ALSHL3,Biologia, 64 (6), pp. 1047-1052,2009.
- Nuraini, N., Tasman, H., Soewono, E., Sidarto, K.A.,A with-in Host Dengue Infection Model with Immune Response,Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 49 (5-6), pp. 1148-1155,2009.
- Nurbaiti, S., Hertadi, R., Martoprawiro, M.A., Akhmaloka,Interface domain interactions on early stage unfolding of DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment,International Journal of Integrative Biology, 6 (1), pp. 46-51,2009.
- Purqon, A., Yamamoto, T.,Nishikawa, K., Nagao, H., Nishikawa, K.,Effects of salty water and temperature on shape fluctuations of a few correlated phospholipids,Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, (178), pp. 187-192,2009.
- Purqon, A., Nagao,H.,Fuzzy cluster modes in micellar dynamics,Journal of Molecular Liquids, 147 (1-2), pp. 17-23,2009.
- M.M. Munir, F. Iskandar, Khairurrijal and K. Okuyama,High performance electrospinning system for fabricating highly uniform polymer nanofibers,Rev. Sci. Instrum.,80 (2009) 026106.
- A.B. Suryamas, M.M. Munir, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama,Photoluminescent and crystalline properties of Y3-xAl5O12:Cex3+ phosphor nanofibers prepared by electrospinning,J. Appl. Phys., 105 (2009) 064311.
- H. Widiyandari, M.M. Munir, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama,Controlled Morphology of Titania Anatase-supported Chromia Nano-Fibers,Mater. Chem. Phys. 116 (2009) 169.
- M.M. Munir, A.B. Suryamas, F. Iskandar and K. Okuyama,Scaling law on particle to fiber formation during electrospinning,Polymer, 50 (2009) 4935.
- P Astuti dan H.K. Wimmer,Hyperinvariant, characteristic, and marked subspaces,Operators and Matrices, 3(2), 261-270, 2009.
- Adem, U., Mostovoy, M., Bellido, N., Nugroho, A. A., Simon, C., Palstra, T. T. M.,Scaling behavior of the magnetocapacitance of YbMnO3,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 21(49), art. no. 496002,2009
- Mufti, N., Blake, G. R., Nugroho, A. A., Palstra, T. T. M.,Magnetic field induced ferroelectric to relaxor crossover in Tb1-xCaxMnO3,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 21(45), art. no. 452203,2009.
- R. Muhida, M. David, W. A. Di, Riza Muhida, H. Nakanishi, F.P. Zen, H. Akinaga, H. Kasai,First principle calculations-based cluster model for the reactive ion etching (RIE) of interaction between FeNi4 cluster and CO gases,International Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, 2009.
- B.E. Gunara, F.P. Zen, Arianto,N=1 Supergravity BPS Domain Wall on Kahler-Ricci Soliton,Advanced in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (ATMP), International Press, January 2009.
- I W. Sudarsana, E.T. Baskoro, S. Uttunggadewa, D. Ismaimuza,An expansion technique on super edge magic total graphs,Ars Combin., 91 (2009), 231-241.
- Panggabean, A.S., Amran, M.B., Achmad, S.,Speciation of Organotin Compounds with Ion Pair-Reversed Phase Chromatography Technique,Eurasian J. Anal. Chem., 4(2), 215-225,2009.
- Pardede, M., Lie, T.J., Kurniawan, K.H., Niki, H., Fukumoto, K., Maruyama, T., Kagawa, K., Tjia, M.O.,Crater effects on H and D emission from laser induced low-pressure helium plasma,Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (6), art. no. 063303,2009.
- Lie, Z.S., Pardede, M., Hedwig, R., Suliyanti, M.M., Steven, E., Maliki, Kurniawan, K.H., Tjia, M.O.,Intensity distributions of enhanced H emission from laser-induced low-pressure He plasma and a suggested He-assisted excitation mechanism,Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (4), art. no. 043303,2009.
- Kurniawan, K.H., Lie, T.J., Suliyanti, M.M., Pardede, M., Abdulmadjid, S.N., Kagawa, K., Tjia, M.O.,Quenching of He-induced intensity enhancement effect in H and D emission produced by Nd-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser irradiation on solid targets in low pressure helium gas,Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (1), art. no. 013301,2009.
- Kurniawan, K.H., Lie, T.J., Suliyanti, M.M., Hedwig, R., Pardede, M., Ramli, M., Niki, H., Tjia, M.O.,The role of He in enhancing the intensity and lifetime of H and D emissions from laser-induced atmospheric-pressure plasma,Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (10), art. no. 103303,2009.
- Nurdin, E.T. Baskoro, A.N.M. Salman, N.N. Gaos,On the total vertex-irregular strength of a disjoint union of t copies of a path, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 71 (2009), 227- 233.
- Adiwijaya, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, E.T. Baskoro, On f-colorings of the corona product of cycles with some other graphs,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 235-241.
- N. Inayah, A.N.M. Salman, R. Simanjuntak,On (a,d)-H-antimagic coverings of graphs,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 273 – 281.
- H.J. Broersma, L. Marchal, L., D. Paulusma, A.N.M. Salman,Backbone colorings along stars and matchings in split graphs: their span is close to the chromatic number,Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 29 (2009), pp 143-162.
- K. Ali, E.T. Baskoro, I. Tomescu, On the Ramsey number for paths and beaded wheels,Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics, 5 (2009), 133-138.
- K. Ali, A.Q. Baiq, E.T. Baskoro, On the Ramsey number for a linear forest versus a cocktail party graph,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 173-177.
- I Wayan Sudarsana, E.T. Baskoro, H. Assiyatun, S. Uttunggadewa, The Ramsey number of a certain forest respect to a small wheel,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 257 – 264.
- Darmaji, S. Uttunggadewa, R. Simanjuntak, E.T. Baskoro, The partition dimension of a complete multipartite graph, a special caterpillar and a windmill, J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 209-215.
- Syafrizal Sy, E.T. Baskoro, S. Uttunggadewa, H. Assiyatun,Path-path size multipartite Ramsey numbers,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 265-271.
- S.W. Saputro, E.T. Baskoro, A.N.M. Salman, D. Suprijanto, The metric dimensions of a complete n-partite graph and its cartesian product with a path,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 283 – 293.
- I Wayan Sudarsana, E.T. Baskoro, S. Uttunggadewa, D. Ismaimuza, Expansion techniques on the super edge antimagic total graphs,J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput., 71 (2009), 189-199.
- S.R. Pudjaprasetya, H.D. Chendra,An Optimal Dimension of Submerged Parallel Bars as a Wave Reflector,Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc.,2009.
- S.R. Pudjaprasetya,A Study on Internal Solitary Waves in Lombok Strait Using The KdV Two-Layer Model,Far East Journal of Ocean Research,2009.
- M.Astuti, Irawati, I. Muchtadi, A.Muchlis, A.Akbar,Using the Algebra of Hypergraphs for the Reconstruction of Phylogenetic Trees,International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, vol 12 no F09 (2009) 105-110.
- S.D. Wiramihardja, M. I. Arifyanto and Y. Sugianto,Revising the Open Cluster Lo 807,Astrophysics and Space Science, ISSN: 0004-640X,2009.

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