Publication 2007
International Journal
- Hakim, E.H., Achmad, S.A., Juliawaty, L.D., Makmur, L., Syah, Y.M., Aimi, N., Kitajima, M., (…), Ghisalberti, E.L.,Prenylated flavonoids and related compounds of the Indonesian Artocarpus (Moraceae),Journal of Natural Medicines 61 (2), pp. 229,2007.
- Taniyama, T., Akasaka, K., Fu, D., Itoh, M., Takashima, H., Prijamboedi, B.,Electrical voltage manipulation of ferromagnetic microdomain structures in a ferromagnetic/ferroelectric hybrid structure,Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (9), art. no. 09F512,2007.
- Ngurah, A.A.G., Baskoro, E.T., Simanjuntak, R.,On the new families of (super) edge-magic graphs,Utilitas Mathematica, 74, pp. 111-120,2007.
- Riyadi, S., Muafif, Nugroho, A.A., Rusydi, A., Tjia, M.O. ,Mn-dopant-induced effects in Zn1-xMnxO compounds,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 19 (47), art. no. 476214,2007.
- Sikora, M., Marquina, C., Ibarra, M.R., Nugroho, A.A., Palstra, T.T.M.,Lattice effects in HoVo3 single crystal,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 316 (2 SPEC. ISS.), pp. e692-e694,2007.
- Nugroho, A.A., Bellido, N., Adem, U., Nénert, G., Simon, Ch., Tjia, M.O., Mostovoy, M., Palstra, T.T.M.,Enhancing the magnetoelectric coupling in YMn O3 by Ga doping,Physical Review B, 75 (17), art. no. 174435,2007.
- Corti, M., Carbone, F., Filibian, M., Jarlborg, Th., Nugroho, A.A., Carretta, P.,Spin dynamics in a weakly itinerant magnet from Si29 NMR in MnSi,Physical Review B, 75 (11), art. no. 115111, 2007.
- Adem, U., Nugroho, A.A., Meetsma, A., Palstra, T.T.M.,Ferroelectric displacements in multiferroic Y (Mn,Ga) O3,Physical Review B, 75 (1), art. no. 014108,2007.
- Arianto, Zen, F.P., Gunara, B.E., Triyanta, Supardi,Some impacts of Lorentz violation on cosmology,Journal of High Energy Physics, (9), art. no. 048,2007.
- Xianglian, Honda, H., Basar, K., Siagian, S., Sakuma, T., Takahashi, H., Tubuqinbaer, Atake, T.,Low-temperature phase in superionic conductor Ag3SBr xI1-x,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76 (11), art. no. 114603,2007.
- Gunara, B.E., Zen, F.P., Arianto,BPS domain walls and vacuum structure of N=1 supergravity coupled to a chiral multiplet,Journal of Mathematical Physics, 48(5), art. no. 053505,2007.
- Smadici, Ş., Abbamonte, P., Bhattacharya, A., Zhai, X., Jiang, B., Rusydi, A., Eckstein, J.N., Zuo, J.-M.,Electronic reconstruction at SrMnO3-LaMnO3 superlattice interfaces,Physical Review Letters, 99 (19), art. no. 196404,2007.
- Elfimov, I.S., Rusydi, A., Csiszar, S.I., Hu, Z., Hsieh, H.H., Lin, H.-J., Chen, C.T., Sawatzky, G.A.,Magnetizing oxides by substituting nitrogen for oxygen,Physical Review Letters, 98 (13), art. no. 137202,2007.
- Rusydi, A., Berciu, M., Abbamonte, P., Smadici, S., Eisaki, H., Fujimaki, Y., Uchida, S., Sawatzky, G.A.,Relationship between hole density and charge-ordering wave vector in Sr14-x Cax Cu24 O41,Physical Review B, 75 (10), art. no. 104510,2007.
- Herwindiati, D.E., Djauhari, M.A., Mashuri, M.,Robust multivariate outlier labeling,Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 36 (6), pp. 1287-1294,2007.
- Broersma, H., Marcha, B., Paulusma, D., Salman, A.N.M.,Improved upper bounds for λ-backbone colorings along matchings and stars,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 4362 LNCS, pp. 188-199,2007.
- Salman, A.N.M., Broersma, H.J.,Path-kipas Ramsey numbers,Discrete Applied Mathematics 155 (14), pp. 1878-1884,2007.
- Salman, A.N.M., Broersma, H.J.,On Ramsey numbers for paths versus wheels,Discrete Mathematics 307 (7-8), pp. 975-982,2007.
- Andonowati, Karjanto, N., van Groesen, E.,Extreme waves phenomena in down-stream running modulated waves,Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31 (7), pp. 1425-1443,2007.
- van Groesen, E., Andonowati ,Variational derivation of KdV-type models for surface water waves,Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 366 (3), pp. 195-201,2007.
- Van Groesen, E., Andonowati,Extremal periodic wave profiles,Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 7 (1), pp. 33-40,2007.
- Iskandar, A.A., Yonan, W., Tjia, M.O., Van De Voorde, I., Van Groesen, E.,Effective medium formulation for band structure design of a finite one-dimensional optical grating,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers, 46 (1), pp. 187-193,2007.
- Raya, I., Baba, I., Yamin, B.M., Onggo, D.,Gadolinium(III) complexes with dialkyldithiocarbamates and 1,10-phenantroline,Sains Malaysiana, 36 (1), pp. 15-20,2007.
- Purqon,A., Sugiyama, A., Nagao, H., Nishikawa, K.,Aperture,symmetry, isotropy, and compactness analysis and their correlation in spaghetti-like nanostructure dynamics,Chemical Physics Letters, 443 (4-6), pp. 356-363,2007.
- M.M. Munir, K.M. Yun, F. Iskandar, A. Yabuki and K. Okuyama,Heating Profile Effect on Morphology, Crystallinity and Photoluminescent Properties of Y2O3:Eu3+ Phosphor Nanofibers Prepared Using an Electrospinning Method,Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 46 (2007) 6705,2007
- Widjaja, J.,An Anisotropic Swarm Model with Fixed Time Impulses,International Conference on Mathematics and Its Application – south East Asia mathematical Society, universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta 24-27 Juli 2007.
- P. E. Susilowati, P. Aditiawati, F. Madayanti, and Akhmaloka,Phenotypic Analysis of T295 eRF1 Mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,JSChem ITB-UKM, 2007.
- H. Helawati, R. Hertadi, F. Madayanti and Akhmaloka,Heterologous Expression and Purification of DNA Polymerase I ITB in Escherichia coli,JSChem-ITB-UKM, 2007.
- Deana Wahyuningrum, Sadijah Achmad, Yana Maolana Syah, Buchari and Bambang Ariwahjoedi,Some Imidazole Derivative Compounds as Corrosion Inhibitors toward Carbon Steel in 1% NaCl Solution,Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering, 10, 22,2007.
- D. Saepudin, E. Soewono, K.A. Sidarto, A.Y. Gunawan, S. Siregar & P. Sukarno,An Investigation on Gas Lift Performance Curve in an Oil Producing Well,Int. J. Math & Math Sci. v. 2007, ID 81519, 2007.
- N.Nuraini, E. Soewono, KA Sidarto,Mathematical Model Of Dengue Disease Transmission with Severe DHF Compartment,Bull.Malay. Math. Sci. Soc v. 30 No. 2,2007.
- H. Tasman, A. K. Supriatna, N. Nuraini, E. Soewono, K. A. Sidarto,Vaccination Strategy in a Two-Age-Class Dengue Transmission Model,Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2007.
- Andonowati, W. M. Kusumawinahyu, E. Van Groesen,A Numerical Study of The Breaking Modulated Waves Generated at a Wave Maker,Applied Ocean Research (2006), 28, 9-17,2007.
- E. Van Groesen and Andonowati,Finite Energy Waves Signals of Extremal Amplitude in The Spatial NLS-dynamics,Physics Letters A 366(2007)195-201,2007.
- E. Van groesen, Andonowati, N. Karyanto,Displaced Phase-Amplitude Variables fo Waves of Finite Background,Physics Letters A, 366(2007)195-201,2007.
- E.T. Baskoro, Subanji,Methods of constructing a knightÂ’s tour on rectangular and diamond boards,Math Track,2007.
- Syafrizal Sy., E.T. Baskoro, S. Uttunggadewa,The size multipartite Ramsey numbers for small paths versus other graphs,Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 28:1, 131-138.,2007.
- A.A.G. Ngurah, E.T. Baskoro, R. Simanjuntak,On the super edge-magic deficiencies of graphs,Australas. J. Combin., 40 (2008) 3-14,2007.
- Ramli, M., Fukumoto, K.-I., Niki, H., Abdulmadjid, S.N., Idris, N., Maruyama, T., Kagawa, K., Kurniawan, D.P.,Quantitative hydrogen analysis of zircaloy-4 in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with ambient helium gas,Applied Optics, 46 (34), pp. 8298-8304,2007.
- Pardede, M., Hedwig, R., Suliyanti, M.M., Lie, Z.S., Lie, T.J., Kurniawan, D.P., Kurniawan, K.H., Tjia, M.O.,Comparative study of laser-induced plasma emission of hydrogen from zircaloy-2 samples in atmospheric and low pressure ambient helium gas,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 89 (2-3), pp. 291-298,2007.
- Kurniawan, K.H., Pardede, M., Hedwig, R., Lie, Z.S., Lie, T.J., Kurniawan, D.P., Ramli, M., Tjia, M.O.,Quantitative hydrogen analysis of zircaloy-4 using low-pressure laser plasma technique,Analytical Chemistry 79 (7), pp. 2703-2707,2007.
- Ramli, M., Kagawa, K., Abdulmadjid, S.N., Idris, N., Budi, W.S., Marpaung, M.A., Kurniawan, K.H., Tjia, M.O.,Some notes on the role of meta-stable excited state of helium atom in laser-induced helium gas breakdown spectroscopy,Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 86 (4), pp. 729-734,2007.
- Khairurrijal, M.M. Munir, A. Suhendi, H. Thaha and M. Budiman,An AT89S52 microcontroller-based single board computer for teaching an instrumentation system course,Comput. Appl. Eng. Educ. 15 (2007) 166,2007.
- Khairurrijal, M. Abdullah, A. Suhendi, M.M. Munir and A. Surachman,A simple microcontroller-based current electrometer made from LOG112 and C8051F006 for measuring current in metal-oxide-semiconductor devices,Meas. Sci. Technol. 18 (2007) 3019,2007.
- Iis Nurhasanah, Mikrajuddin Abdullah, and Khairurrijal,Structure and Morphology of Neodymium-doped Cerium Oxide Solid Solution Prepared by a Combined Simple Polymer Heating and DC Magnetron Sputtering Method,International Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering, Bandung 2-31 July 2007.
- Tri Fatirahman, Akhmad Yulianto, M. Hamzah, Rizal Kurniadi, Yudi Darma,Preliminary Study of Simulaiton of Si/Ge/Si Quantum Dot Floating Gate, MOSFET memory,APS 29-30 November 2007.
- R. Kurniadi, et.all,The New Fugacity Calculation in Finte Nuclear Matter,Proc. of the International Conf. On Advances in Nucleas Science and Engineering, 2007.
- Zaki Su’ud,Design Study of Long Life Pb-Bi Cooled Fast Reactors Which Need Natural Uranium as Input Fuel Cycle,IAEA RCM Meeting, Vienna 4-8 Juni 2007.
- Zaki Su’ud, Rida Siti NM,Feasibility Analysis of Nuclear Energy System for Developing Countries Which can utilize Natural Uranium/Thorium Efficiently without Embedded Enrichment Plant nor Reprocessing Plants,International Conference ICANSE 2007, 13-14 November 2007.
- Rida SNM, Zaki Su’ud,Design Study of Long Life Pb-Bi Cooled Fast Reactors Which Fuel Cycle Input is natural Uranium,10th International Conference on Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Education, Obninsk Rusia, 1-5 October 2007.
- Triyanta, A. Y. Wardaya, F. P. Zen, J. S. Kosasih,The Correspondence Between Perturbative and No-Perturbative Aspects of The Chern-Simons-Witten Theory,Asian Physics Seminar, November 2007

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