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Staff Akademik – Zulfiadi Zulhan

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Zulfiadi Zulhan

Dr.-Ing. Zulfiadi Zulhan, ST., MT.
NIP: 197301281998021003
Head of Pyrometallurgy Laboratory

Google Scholar



  • Phone : +62 – (0) 22 250 22 39
  • Fax : +62 – (0) 22 250 42 09
  • Mobile : +62 – (0) 813 22 93 94 70
  • Email : zulfiadi.zulhan@itb.ac.id


  1. Dr.-Ing., Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy (IEHK, Institut fuer Eisenhuettenkunde), RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2006)
  2. Master of Science, Corrosion, Department of Mining Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (2000)
  3. Bachelor, Metallurgy, Department of Mining Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia (1996)


  1. 2006, Ludwig von Bogdandy – Prize, Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, RWTH Aachen University Germany (http://www.iehk.rwth-aachen.de/index.php?id=67&L=2)
  2. 2008, Borchersplakette – Award, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (http://prorwth.org/index.php?f=show&page=160)
  3. 2011, Best Paper Presenter, Seminar Material dan Metalurgi 2011, LIPI


  1. Metallurgy of Iron and steelmaking
  2. Pyrometallurgy
  3. Metallurgical Thermodynamic
  4. Engineering Process Metallurgy
  5. Advanced Metallurgical Kinetics
  6. Metallurgical Process Control
  7. Cathodic Protection


  1. Modelling and simulation of high temperature metal processing
  2. Vacuum metallurgy
  3. Stainless steelmaking
  4. Iron and Steelmaking
  5. Pyrometallurgy


  1. Stahlinstitut (Steel Institute) VDEh, Germany
  2. The Metals Society (TMS), USA
  3. Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), USA
  4. SEAISI (South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute)
  5. PERHAPI (Perhimpuan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia)


  1. Study of stainless steel making, PT Krakatau Steel, 2015
  2. Simultaneous removal of antimony and arsenic from tin concentrate by pyrometallurgical rocess, PT Timah, 2014
  3. Layout of new Integrated Steel Plant, PT Krakatau Steel, 2014
  4. Study of sponge iron rotary kiln smelting in EAF (electric arc furnace): electrical energy consumption, tap to tap time, metal yield, PT Krakatau Steel, 2014
  5. Hot commissioning of 300t Twin RH Plant, desulphurization by powder injection of fluxes for Non Grain Oriented electric steel production, Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., P.R. China, 2014
  6. Analysis of nickel pig iron production in Mini Blast Furnace, PT CMMI, Modern Group, 2014
  7. Tin fuming: technical and economic analysis, PT Timah, 2013-2014
  8. Expansion of ferronickel plant (P3FP), Pomalaa, PT Antam, 2013-2014
  9. Arsenic removal from tin concentrate, PT Timah, 2013
  10. Hot commissioning of 25t Ladle Furnace for heating and desulphurization by powder injection of molten ferronickel, 2012-2013
  11. Study of Application of fuming furnace for tin smelting, PT Timah, 2012-2013
  12. Consulting for primary, secondary steelmaking as well as for vacuum metallurgy and stainless steelmaking at Technometal GmbH Duisburg Germany, since 2012
  13. Study of process efficiency and energy (fuel) saving for tin smelting on reverberatory furnace, PT Timah, 2012
  14. Modernization and Optimization of Ferronickel Plant II, PT Antam, 2011-2012
  15. Tin Smelting Plant Modernization, PT Timah, 2011
  16. Clean Steel, Slab Steel Plant, PT Krakatau Steel, 2011
  17. Study on coal gas application for substitution of MFO (marine fuel oil) on reverberatory furnace tin smelting, PT Timah, 2010-2011
  18. Study of Crude FeNi Dephosphorization for High Carbon Ferronickel Product, PT Antam, 2011
  19. Basic Design Vacuum Tank Degasser, Billet Steel Plant, PT Krakatau Steel, 2010
  20. Modernization and Optimization of Ferronickel Plant I, PT Antam, 2010-2011
  21. Metallurgist for steel processing by vacuum technology at SIEMENS VAI Metals Technologies GmbH, Duisburg, Germany, 2006 – 2009
  22. Hot commissioning of 170t VOD (Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization for stainless steelmaking) at LISCO, Guang Zhou, P.R. China, 2008
  23. Hot commissioning of 5t DETEM (Dörenberg Edelstahl-Technometall) plant for degassing and stainless steelmaking, Emirates Techno Casting, UEA, 2007
  24. Hot Commissioning of 300t Twin RH Plant at Maanshan ISCO, P.R. China, 2007
  25. Hot Commissioning of 180t Twin RH Plant at Taiyuan ISCO, P.R. China, 2007
  26. Hot Commissioning of 150t Twin RH Plant Nanjing ISCO, P.R. China, 2007
  27. Hot Commissioning of 180t Single RH Plant at Shougang, P.R. China, 2007
  28. Hot commissioning of 90t VOD (Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization for stainless steelmaking) at Tianjin Pipe CO, 2006-2007.
  29. Hot Commissioning of 120 t VD (Vacuum Tank Degassing) Plants at Benxi, P.R. China, 2006
  30. Hot Commissioning of 120 t VD (Vacuum Tank Degassing) Plants at Yinkou, P.R. China, 2006
  31. Study of splashing behavior of Conarc (Converter-Arcing) process at Dolvi ISPAT, India, 2004-2005
  32. Optimization of steel desulphurization in ladle furnace at PT Krakatau Steel, Indonesia, 2000-2001


  1. Zulhan, Z.Agustina, N. A novel utilization of ferronickel slag as a source of magnesium metal and ferroalloy production. Journal of Cleaner Production2021292125307
  2. Zulhan, Z.Adhiwiguna, I.B.G.S.Fuadi, A.Saleh, N. Solid-state reduction of an Indonesian iron sand concentrate using subbituminous coal. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly2021
  3. Zulhan, Z.Fauzian, I.M.Hidayat, T. Ferro-silico-manganese production from manganese ore and copper smelting slag. Journal of Materials Research and Technology20209(6)pp. 13625–13634
  4. Zulhan, Z.Lo, F. Iron nugget formation from iron sand/coal composite pellets under isothermal-temperature gradient profiles. Ironmaking and Steelmaking2020
  5. Zulhan, Z.Ryanta, I.G.P.A. Utilization of Gypsum Byproduct as Fuming Agent for Tin Smelting Slag. Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy20184(3)pp. 388–394
  6. Fitri, S.Zulhan, Z.Dilasari, B. Corrosion behaviour of carbon steel in aqueous solution containing Galena concentrate. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering2018352(1)012001
  7. Supriyatna, Y.I.Zulhan, Z.Triapriani, Y. The ferromanganese production using Indonesian low-grade manganese ore using charcoal and palm kernel shell as reductant in mini electric arc furnace. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering2018285(1)012022
  8. Zulhan, Z.Himawan, D.M.Dimyati, A. Reduction of lateritic iron ore briquette using coal bed reductant by isothermal – Temperature gradient method. AIP Conference Proceedings20171805040007
  9. Schrade, C., Nicolai, H., Zulhan, Z., Desulfurization of Molten Steel in RH-Degasser by Powder Blowing to Produce Silicon Steel – Operational Results Maanshan ISCO, METEC and 2nd ESTAD, Duesseldorf, Germany, 16th June 2015
  10. Zulhan, Z., Schrade, C., Vacuum Treatment of Molten Steel: RH (Ruhrstahl Heraeus) versus VTD (Vacuum Tank Degasser), SEAISI Quarterly Journal, Vol. 43. No. 4, December 2014
  11. Wirawan, A., Zulhan, Z., Pemodelan Proses Peleburan di Tanur Busur Listrik SSP I PT. Krakatau Steel untuk Mempelajari Pengaruh Penambahan Lelehan Besi Wantah (Hot Metal), Prosiding Seminar Material Metalurgi 2014, Serpong 2 November 2014
  12. Pratama, K., Zulhan, Z., Study of Inhibition Mechanism of Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Tungstate Inhibitors to Improve Corrosion Resistance of Sensitized AISI 304 in Chloride Containing Solution by EIS Method, Proceeding Seminar Nasional Metalurgi dan Material VII, Bandung, 29 Oktober 2014
  13. Zulhan, Z., Schrade, C., Vacuum Treatment of Molten Steel: RH (Ruhrstahl Heraeus) versus VTD (Vacuum Tank Degasser), 2014 SEAISI Conference and Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, 26-29 May 2014
  14. Zulhan, Z., Patriona, Y. A., Schrade, C., Desulphurization of Molten Steel in RH-Degasser by Powder Blowing to Produce Non Grain Oriented (NGO) Silicon Steel, SEAISI Quarterly Journal, Vol. 42. No. 4, December 2013
  15. Halim, N., Zulhan, Z., Pemanfaatan CaO, Al2O3 dan Bauksit sebagai Bahan Imbuh Reduksi Campuran Bijih Nikel Saprolit – Limonit pada Kondisi Semifused (1400oC) untuk memproduksi Feronikel, Prosiding Seminar Material Metalurgi 2013, LIPI, Serpong, 27 November 2013.
  16. Zulhan, Z., Iron and Steelmaking Slags: Are They Hazardous Waste, 2013 Asean Iron and Steel Sustainability Forum: Economic, Trade, Environmental, Safety Status and Outlook, Jakarta 25-27 November 2013
  17. Zakaria,A.A., Zulhan, Z., Pengaruh Penambahan CaO, Al2O3, dan Bauksit pada Reduksi Bijih Nikel Saprolit dengan Menggunakan Reduktor Batubara pada Temperatur 1400oC, Seminar Nasional Material dan Metalurgi (SENAMM VI), UI, 20 November 2013
  18. Zulhan, Z., New Concept of Hot Metal Production using Rotary Kiln – Smelting Reduction Technology, Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja III (3rd Indonesian Iron and Steel Conference), ITB, 26-27 September 2013
  19. Zulhan, Z., Aspek Teknologi dan Ekonomi Pembangunan Pabrik Pengolahan Bijih Besi Menjadi Produk Baja di Indonesia, Metalurgi, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2013
  20. Zulhan, Z., Schrade, C., Patriona, Y.A., Desulphurization of Molten Steel in RH-Degasser by Powder Blowing to Produce Non Grain Oriented (NGO) Silicon Steel, 2013 SEAISI Conference and Exhibition, Pattaya, Thailand, 3th-6th June 2013
  21. Zulhan, Z., Schrade, C., Vacuum Treatment of Molten Steel in RH (Ruerhstahl Heraeus) and VTD (Vacuum Tankn Degasser): A Comparative Study, 5th High Temperature Process (HTP) Symposium, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, 4th-5th February 2013
  22. Zulhan, Z., Aspek Teknologi dan Ekonomi Pembangunan Pabrik Pengolahan Bijih Besi menjadi Produk Baja di Indonesia, keynote speaker, Seminar Material dan Metalurgi, LIPI Serpong, 27 November 2012
  23. Zulhan, Z., Model Off-Line untuk Simulasi Proses Pemurnian Baja di Vacuum Tank Degasser (VTD), Metalurgi, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2012
  24. Zulhan, Z., Yusuf, Sata, Y.A., Solichin, Astuti, W., Sibarani, D., Nugok, M.D.R., Bagoes, I., Permodelan Proses Pembuatan Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) dengan Blast Furnace untuk Menentukan Kebutuhan Kokas, Komposisi Produk dan Terak serta Kapasitas Pabrik Sebagai Fungsi dari Kandungan Nikel di Bijih dan Volume Blast Furnace, 3rd Indonesian Process Metallurgy (IPM), ITB, 4 -5 Desember 2012
  25. Zulhan, Z., Konsep Baru Proses Desulfurisasi Lelehan Ferronikel dengan Penambahan CaO dan CaF2 pada saat Pemanasan dengan Penghembusan Oksigen (Chemical Heating), Seminar Nasional Material dan Metalurgi (SENAMM V), ITS, 5-6 September 2012
  26. Zulhan, Z., Velikonja, M., Practical Model to Simulate and to Operate Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization (VOD) Plant for Stainless Steelmaking, SEAISI (South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute) Conference, Bali, 28-31 May 2012
  27. Zulhan, Z., Model Off-Line untuk Simulasi Proses Pemurnian Baja di Vacuum Tank Degasser (VTD), Prosiding Seminar Material Metalurgi 2011, LIPI, Serpong, 3 November 2011.
  28. Pratama, I.A., Brachtomo, Z., Zulhan, Z., Model Dinamik untuk Prediksi Slopping di LD-Konverter pada Proses Pemurnian Nikel, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja II, ITB Bandung, 20-21 Oktober 2011.
  29. Zulhan, Z., Model Off-Line untuk Simulasi Proses Pemurnian Baja di RH (Ruhrstahl-Heraeus) Degasser, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja II, ITB Bandung, 20-21 Oktober 2011.
  30. Zulhan, Z., Basuki, E.A., Purwadaria, S, Pembuatan Baja Tahan Karat dengan Rute Dupleks AOD: Aspek Teknologi dan Ekonomi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja II, ITB Bandung, 20-21 Oktober 2011.
  31. Zulhan, Z., Hartono, T., Alkadrie, F., Purwadaria, S., Kajian neraca posfor dan studi kemungkinan untuk melakukan proses deposforisasi di ladle pada pabrik peleburan ferronikel PT Antam Tbk, 2nd Indonesian Process Metallurgy, Aula Timur ITB, 21-22 Juli 2011.
  32. Zulhan, Z., Basuki, E.A., Velikonja, M., Stainless Steel Manufacturing Technology: Added Value of Indonesian Nickel Commodity, 4th Added Value Mining Indonesia Seminar, Jakarta, 6-7 October 2010.
  33. Zulhan, Z., Velikonja, M., Aplikasi VOD untuk Pembuatan Baja Tahan Karat, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi Baja 2009, ITB, Bandung, 26-27 Oktober 2009.
  34. Purwadaria, S., Zulhan, Z., Tumpak, J.M., Penggunaan Diagram Rist untuk Mengkaji unjuk Kerja Tanur Tiup, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi Baja 2009, ITB, Bandung, 26-27 Oktober 2009.
  35. Arnold, H., Vollmers, A., Schrade, C., Huellen, M., Talhoff, D., Zulhan, Z., Secondary Metallurgy for BOF Steelmaking, Proceedings Iron and Steelmaking Conference, Linz Austria, 9-10 October 2006.
  36. Huellen, M., Schrade, C., Wilhelm, U., Zulhan, Z., EAF based flat steel producing applying secondary metallurgical processes, Proceedings Iron and Steelmaking Conference, Linz Austria, 9-10 October 2006.
  37. Schrade, C., Huellen, M., Zulhan, Z., New Concepts for High-Productivity RH Plants, Stahl und Eisen, 126, Nr. 11, 2006 (translated into Chinese: Proceeding of 4th China International Steel Congress 18-19 April 2006, translated into Russian: CTAΠb No. 5 2006, translated into arabic: Arab Steel September Oktober 2006, translated into France: La Revue de Métallurgie-CIT Octobre 2006, translated into Spanish, Siderurgia Acero Y Desarrollo No. 140 Jul/Ago 06).
  38. Senk, D., Misra, A.K., Meierling, P., Pleschiutschnig, J., Ratna Prasad, V.A., Zulhan, Z. Steelmaking by MPS Dolvi Process – Development for high productivity, Proceedings of 5th European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference, Aachen Germany, 26-28 June 2006.
  39. Senk, D., Gudenau, H.-W., Zulhan, Z., Vázquez-Monroy, J. A., Injection of Solid into EAF and BOF, Proceedings of 2004 USTB China – RWTH Aachen Germany Symposium on Metallurgy & Materials, Beijing, China, 12-13 September 2004.
  40. Zulhan, Z., Steel making in Indonesia – nowadays situation and future, Indonesian Students’ Scientific Meeting 2004, RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany, 7-9 October 2004.
  41. Mahmutović A., Zulhan Z., Senk D., Recycling zinkhaltiger Stahlwerkstäube, VDI Wissensforum Ersatzreduktionsmittel und Reststoffe in der Metallurgie Seminar 431902, Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde der RWTH Aachen, Germany, 11-12 February 2004.
  42. Zulhan, Z., Simanungkalit, T.M., and Purwadaria, S., Penggunaan EIS untuk Mengkaji Efektivitas Ca(NO2)2 dalam Menginhibisi Baja Tulangan dalam Beton yang Terkontaminasi Khlorida, Seminar Nasional Korosi INDOCOR, Korosi dan Material, 21-22 June, 2001.
  43. Purwadaria, S., Imran, I., Zulhan, Z., and Mubarok, M.Z., Peningkatan Durabilitas Struktur Beton dengan Meningkatan Ketahanan Korosi Baja Tulangan, Seminar Nasional Korosi INDOCOR, Korosi dan Material, 21-22 June 2001.
  44. Zulhan, Z., Moralista E., Imran I., Nurdin I.M., and Purwadaria S., Aplikasi Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy untuk Pengukuran Prilaku Korosi Baja Tulangan Galvanis dalam Larutan Pori Beton Artifisial Yang Mengandung Inhibitor, Seminar MIPA –ITB, 13-14 November 2000.
  45. Zulhan, Z., Astrawan I.K.As., Adyastuti, S.M., and Purwadaria, S., Synergistic Effect of Ca(NO2)2 and Sika Ferrogard-901 in Inhibiting Chloride Corrosion Attack on Reinforcing Steel Bars, Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific Conference on Durability of Building Systems Harmonised Standard and Evaluation, vol.2 ITB, 10-12 July 2000.
  46. Isdiriayani, M.N., Sinaga, R.B., Purwadaria, S., Cole, I.S., Ganther, W.D., Zulhan, Z., and Mubarok, M.Z., Study of The Corrosivity of Several Atmospheric Environments in Indonesia (One Year Exposure Results), Proceedings of the Second Asia Pacific Conference on Durability of Building Systems Harmonised Standard and Evaluation, vol.1 ITB, 10-12 July 2000.
  47. Sebayang, S., Purwadaria, S.,Purwoko, and Zuhan, Z., Corrosion Behavior of Siliconized Iron-Base Alloys Containing Cr, Si, and Mo in Concentrated Phosphoric Acid at 70°C, Proceedings on the 10th Asia Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, Bali, 27 – 31 October 1997.
  48. Simarmata, B.M.J., Purwadaria, S., Zulhan, Z., et. al., A Study of Inhibition Mechanism of NaNO2 on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Sensitized AISI 316 Stainless Steel in Chloride Containing Solution Using Slow Strain Rate Technique, Proceedings on 10th Asia Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, Bali, 27-30 October 1997.


  1. Konsep Baru Proses Desulfurisasi Lelehan Ferronikel dengan Penambahan CaO dan CaF2 pada saat Pemanasan dengan Penghembusan Oksigen (Chemical Heating), Seminar Nasional Material dan Metalurgi (SENAMM V), ITS, 5-6 September 2012
  2. Practical Model to Simulate and to Operate Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization (VOD) Plant for Stainless Steelmaking, SEAISI Conference, Bali, 28-31 May 2012
  3. Model Off-Line untuk Simulasi Proses Pemurnian Baja di Vacuum Tank Degasser (VTD), Seminar Material Metalurgi 2011, LIPI, Serpong, 3 November 2011.
  4. Model Off-Line untuk Simulasi Proses Pemurnian Baja di RH (Ruhrstahl-Heraeus) Degasser, Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja II, ITB Bandung, 20-21 Oktober 2011.
  5. Pembuatan Baja Tahan Karat dengan Rute Dupleks AOD: Aspek Teknologi dan Ekonomi, Seminar Nasional Besi dan Baja II, ITB Bandung, 20-21 Oktober 2011.
  6. Stainless Steel Manufacturing Technology: Added Value of Indonesian Nickel Commodity, 4th Added Value Mining Indonesia Seminar, Jakarta, 6-7 October 2010.
  7. Aplikasi VOD untuk Pembuatan Baja Tahan Karat, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Besi Baja 2009, ITB, Bandung, 26-27 Oktober 2009.
  8. Vacuum Metallurgy – an Overview, 80 Years Professor Oeters, VDEh Sitzung, Düsseldorf, Germany, 18 January 2008
  9. Secondary Metallurgy for Steelmaking and Stainless Steelmaking, Metals Symposium, Hainan, P.R. China 20-21 March 2007
  10. EAF based flat steel producing applying secondary metallurgical processes, Iron and Steelmaking Conference, Linz, Austria, 9-10 October 2006
  11. New Concepts for High-Productivity RH Plants, Modern Technologies and Equipments of Secondary Treatment and Continuous Casting of Steel, Moscow, Russia, 15-16 Mai 2006
  12. New Concepts for High-Productivity RH Plants, 4th China International Steel Congress, Beijing, P.R. China, 18-19 April 2006
  13. Injection of Solid into EAF and BOF, USTB China – RWTH Aachen Germany Symposium on Metallurgy & Materials, Beijing, P.R. China, 12-13 September 2004
  14. Steel making in Indonesia – nowadays situation and future, Indonesian Students’ Scientific Meeting, RWTH Aachen University Aachen, Germany, 7-9 October 2004
  15. Penggunaan EIS untuk Mengkaji Efektivitas Ca(NO2)2 dalam Menginhibisi Baja Tulangan dalam Beton yang Terkontaminasi Khlorida, Seminar Nasional Korosi INDOCOR, Bandung, 21-22 June 2001
  16. Aplikasi Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy untuk Pengukuran Prilaku Korosi Baja Tulangan Galvanis dalam Larutan Pori Beton Artifisial Yang Mengandung Inhibitor, Seminar MIPA – ITB, Bandung, 13-14 November 2000.
  17. Coulostatic Method for Investigation of Corrosion Behavior of Reinforcing Steel Bars in Simulated Pore Solutions Containing Chloride and Calcium Nitrite, Second Asia Pacific Conference on Durability of Building Systems Harmonised Standard and Evaluation, Bandung, 10-12 July 2000.


  • Optimization of high temperature metal processing plants: ironmaking, primary steelmaking, secondary steelmaking, vacuum metallurgy, stainless steelmaking, pyrometallurgy (nickel smelting, tin smelting, copper smelting, ferromanganese smelting, etc.)