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Staff Akademik – Eddy Agus Basuki

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Dr. Ir. Eddy Agus Basuki, MSc

Prof. Ir. Eddy Agus Basuki, M.Sc., Ph.D.
NIP: 195508311985031003
Head of Metal Sustainability and Corrosion Laboratory
Google Scholar



  • Tel : 62-22-250 2239
  • Fax : 62-22-250 4209
  • E-mail : eddy.a.basuki@itb.ac.id


  1. Engineer in Metallurgy – Metallurgical Engineering Division, Department of Mining Engineering, ITB, 1984.(Thesis: Effect of Al, Fe and Ni Additions on the Mechanical Properties of Cast Alluminium Bronze Alloys).
  2. Master of Science (M.Sc) in Metallurgy – at School of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia, 1990.(Thesis: Effect of Elevated Temperature Exposure on Nickel Based Superalloys).
  3. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Metallurgy – School of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Australia, 1998.(Thesis: The High-Temperature Structural Stability of Aluminide Coated Nickel Based Alloys).


  • Physical Metallurgy
  • Phase Transformation
  • Heat Treatment
  • Metal Casting
  • Alloy Design
  • High Temperature Corrosion
  • Welding metallurgy
  • Powder metallurgy


  • Development of high temperature alloys
  • Nickel base superalloys
  • High temperature corrosion
  • Coatings for high temperature protection
  • Design of engineering alloys
  • Stainless and high quality steels
  • Aluminium alloys
  • Metal matrix composites


  • Indonesian Corrosion Association (INDOCOR)
  • American Society for Metals (ASM)
  • in Innovation Network (TIN)
  • Indonesian Mining Engineers Association (PERHAPI)


  1. Basuki, E., and Crosky, A., “Effect of Elevated Temperature Exposure on Nickel Based Superalloys, Transactions of the First Joint Conference on Corrosion, Finishing and Materials, Step Into the 90’s, Atrens, A., Pennisi, M.S., and Scheinberg, P. (eds.), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 27-31 August 1989.
  2. Eddy Agus Basuki, Andi Rustandi, Studi Pendahuluan Pelapisan Difusi (Proses Termokimia) Logam Ni Dengan Proses Aluminizing dan Chromizing, Laporan Penelitian No. 14002193, Dibiayai oleh OPF-ITB, 1992-1993.
  3. Lee, E., Basuki, E.A., Crosky, A., and Gleeson, B., “The effects of Overheating Aluminide Coated Rene 80H Turbine Blade”, Conference Proceedings on The 5th Australian Aeronautical Conference, Melbourne, The Institute of Engineers Australia (National Conference Publication No. 93(6), 1993.
  4. Basuki, E.A, Crosky, A., “Microstructural Changes in Overheated Nickel-Base Superalloys. Proceedings of The Conference on Microscopy : Materials and techniques, Institute of Metals and Materials Australia Ltd., Mascot, New South Wales, Australia, 21-22 September 1993.
  5. Basuki, E.A., Crosky A., Gleeson, .B., “The Interdiffusion Behaviour in Aluminide-Coated Rene 80H Turbine Blades at 1150 C.” Proceedings of the Conference on IMMA’S 50th Anniversary Celebrations, The Institute of Metals and Materials Australia Ltd, Brisbane, 1996.
  6. Basuki, E.A., Crosky, A., Gleeson, B., “The Interdiffusion Behaviour in Aluminide Coated Ni-Cr-Al Alloys at 1150oC,”. Proceedings of The Conference on The 10th Asia-Pacific Corrosion Control, Kuta Bali, Indonesia, 27-31 October 1997.
  7. Basuki, E.A., Crosky A., and Gleeson B., “Interdiffusion Behavior in Aluminide-coated Rene 80H at 1150oC. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, A224, 1997, 27-32.
  8. Djoko Hadi Prajitno; Isdiriayani; Bouman Tiroi; Eddy Agus Basuki , “Study Low Activity Pack of Complex Al-Cr Diffusion Coating on In-625”. Proceedings of Conference on The 10th Asia Pacific Corrosion Control, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, 27-31 October 1997.
  9. Eddy Agus Basuki, Djoko Hadi Prajitno. “Transformasi Fasa Superaloy Nikel Kristal Tunggal CMSX-3 yang dilapisi b-NiAl pada 1200oC.” Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Sains Materi (PISM), PPSM-BATAN, 1998. ISSN : 1410-2897
  10. Basuki, E.A, Prajitno, D, H., “Interdifusi Evolusi Struktur Mikro pada Superaloy Renegroh yang dilapisi Aluminida pada 1050oC.” Journal Mikroskopi dan Mikroanalisis, Edisi Khusus, ISSN : 1410-5594, 1998.
  11. Djoko Hadi Prajitno and Eddy Agus Basuki, “Microstructural Evolution During Solidification of Ni-Cr-Al Alloys. Proceedings of Asia Symposium on Visualization, Bedugul, Bali, Indonesia, 16 May 1999.
  12. Eddy A. Basuki, Djoko H. Prajitno, Benny Sebayang, “Degradasi aluminide coating pada paduan Ni”, Seminar Nasional Pemaparan Hasil Litbang, 8-10 Nopember 2000, LIPI, Jakarta.
  13. Basuki, E.A., Gleeson, B, and Crosky, A., “Stages of interdiffusion behaviour in an aluminide coated g-Ni+g’-Ni3Al alloy at 1150oC”, International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection 2000, Hokaido, Japan, 17-22 September 2000.
  14. Hari Ismawan, Ahmad Taufik J., Eddy A Basuki, “Laju penjalaran retak lelah baja paduan rendah kekuatan tinggi untuk pipa baja standard API5L-X70”, KS-Review, Vol. IV, No. 3, Agustus 2000.
  15. Hofman T., Rizal A., Eddy Agus Basuki, “Tinjauan kinetika kuantitatif pack aluminizing aktivitas rendah substrat Ni”, KS-Review, Vol. IV, No. 4, Desember 2001.
  16. Gleeson, B, Basuki, E.A and Crosky, A., Symposium on High Temperature Coatings IV, 2001 TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, February 11-15, 2001.
  17. Eddy Agus Basuki, “Kharakterisasi pack aluminide coating aktivitas tinggi pada superalloy nickel (Nickel based superalloy) Rene 80H”, Proceedings Seminar Nasional Korosi, Bandung, 21-22 Juni 2001.
  18. Eddy A. Basuki, “Protective Coatings for High Temperature Applications”, The 1st Catalytic Converter Forum, Indonesian-German Seminar on Materials Research and Development for Environment-Friendly Applications, Puspiptek, June 24-25, 2002.
  19. Eddy Agus Basuki, “Pack Aluminide Coating Untuk Proteksi Korosi Temperatur Tinggi”, Jurnal Korosi & Material, Vol. II, No. 5, Oktober 2002.
  20. Eddy A. Basuki and Waspodo Martojo, Ketahanan Material Pipeline Terhadap Sulfida Hidrogen (H2S), Conference Proceedings, Indonesian Pipeline Technology 2004, Conference and Exhibition, Aula Barat, Institute Technology Bandung, January 27 – 28, 2004.
  21. Adi Ganda Putra, Eddy Agus Basuki, Sunara Purwadaria, Degradasi Lapisan Aluminida Pada Paduan Intermetalik α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl Akibat Oksidasi Siklik Pada 1100oC, Seminar Nasional Korosi, INDOCOR, Jakarta, 28 January 2004.
  22. Eddy A. Basuki, Arief Sudarsono, Zaki Mubarok, Ismi Handayani, Steel Slag Granulation, Proceedings of International Conference on Minerals Resource Management and Environment, Kyushu University, 12-13 December 2005.
  23. Okti, J.P. Manalu, Rizal Astrawinata, Nurulkamal Mohd. Sharif, and Eddy A. Basuki, The Effect of Aluminium Content on Properties of TiAl Based Binary Alloys, Proceeding of 6th Field-Wise Seminar for Materials Engineering on Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Advanced Materials & Composites, 16-17th May 2005, AUN/SEED-Net, Jica, Penang, Malaysia, 2005.
  24. Basuki, E.A., Ekawan, R, and Arief, I., Future Trend of Mining Education, Indonesian Mining Association Conference, Jakarta, 21-24 September 2005.
  25. Eddy A. Basuki, Arifin, Pawawoi and Alexaner Senaputra, Interdiffusion and Oxidation Behaviour of Two Phase a2-Ti3Al/g-TiAl Titanium Aluminide Alloys, Seminar Proceeding, 7th- Field-Wise Seminar on Materials Processing and Performance, AUN/SEED-net, JICA, Savoy Homann, Bandung, Indonesia, January, 25 – 26, 2006.
  26. Eddy Agus Basuki dan Safrizal, Sumber Bahan Paduan Nikel di Indonesia, Seminar Material Metalurgi 2006, Pusat Penelitian Metalurgi, LIPI, Serpong, 20 Desember 2006.
  27. Okti, J.P. Manalu, Rizal Astrawinata, Nurulkamal Mohd. Sharif, and Eddy A. Basuki, The Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructures, Properties and Oxide-scale Thickness of TiAl-Based Intermetallic Alloys, Malaysian Journal of Microscopy, Volume 2, 2006.
  28. Gunawan dan Eddy Agus Basuki, Stabilitas Struktur Mikro INCONEL-718, accepted to be published in Jurnal Teknologi Mineral (JTM), 2007.


Consultancy to industry and society in the following areas:

  • Engineering alloys development, such as the effect of elements, microstructures and heat treatments in structural steels, stainless steels, and nickel based superalloys, and aluminium alloys.
  • Failure analysis of components operated at high temperatures, such as failure of turbine gas engine components.
  • Protection systems of engineering alloys for high temperature applications, such as coating for turbine blade of land based and aircraft turbine engines.
  • Problems related to the operations of heat treatments of engineering alloys, welding of metals and metal casting.